government using MKULTRA technology that appears now to have expanded out into a planetary infrastructure around the NSA and contracting agencies around the world, along with a dedicated grid of HAARP installations, chemtrails, Supergrids, Super computers, nano-bots, nanochips to be the prime mover entity responsible for driving pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks world wide in power institutions such as the Vatican, Jesuits, Zionists, Churches, Monarchies, governments, intelligence, military, police, Schools, and families. What You Need to Know About the Vatican's US Real Estate Empire - Bisnow They will take everything, unless we wake up, join forces, stand and fight them to the death. 41, #180 (1976) states: The terms Director, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced by the term Internal Revenue Service.. 4. Discussion about PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES [Page 3] at the GodlikeProductions Conspiracy Forum. However, the entire substance of Title 26 applies to foreign individuals, foreign corporations, foreign ships, income from sources within the possessions of the United States, and citizens and domestic corporations of the US that derived income from sources within the possessions of the US. In 1935 when the Federal Alcohol Act (prohibition) was ruled unconstitutional within the 50 States, the functions of the Federal Alcohol Administration then became administered by the Secretary of Treasury through the BIR, an offshore Trust. A new model of the actual planetary driver of pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks. PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES - Page 3 - Godlike Productions This corporation, owned by foreign interests, moved right in and shoved the original "organic" version of the Constitution into a dusty corner. When Hamiltons bank charter expired in 1811, the international bankers started the war of 1812. However, what can be documented is that for 240 years, a large portion of our tax dollars and countless American lives have gone to line the pockets of the multi-national military industrial complex. U.S. Relations With the Holy See - United States Department of State The United States is a foreign corporation pretending to represent the country known as the Continental United States or The United States of America (Major), which is a republic and not a democracy. And it wasn't pretty. If you click on the "Government of the United States HQ" link, you'll see another website page with some fairly detailedand possibly bewilderinginformation. On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they technically do, because no one has challenged their claim. We are inventory. 551(1)(C). 214.7). A coin, always two faces and nobody ever pays much attention to the side/rim that bind the two as one. This legal name was created shortly after you were born and was recorded on a bond. Furthermore, this rule also applies to State individual income taxes, where State solely refers to the District of Columbia, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, territories and insular possessions. The purpose of liquidating you is to turn you into capital money. The word capital comes from the Latin word capitalis, which means of the head, hence capital, chief, first. It also comes from another Latin word caput, which translates to English as head.. The IRS gets away with its brutal enforcement of this scam because the Federal courts have, case after case, refused to hold them accountable. Bush to take care of Seal present during a meeting between Oliver North, Felix Rodrguez, Amiram Nir and General Alvarez from Honduras, when North stated that Vice President Bush was going to have his son Jeb arrange something out of Colombia. All the 50 states have a corporate version of themselves. Even if the 16th Amendment had been legally passed, it did not change the constitutional limitations which forbid any direct taxation of individuals. (U.S. Supreme Court in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Rail Road Co. 240 U.S. 1 (1916).) PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES. The purpose of the loans were to fund both sides of the War of Independence. By all accounts, the IRS first puts the money into a Quad Zero account under an Individual Master File, after which time it can apparently do whatever it wants with the money. No one opposed or even so much as challenged it. Every church in the USA is directly or indirectly controlled by the Vatican, especially Roman Catholic Churches. For this reason, both of the sources may be referring to two different United States. And dont you believe the whitewash investigation by the Administrations wolf in the peoples chicken coop: Over the years, the IRS fraudulent publications, misapplied tax code and deliberate omissions have trained lawyers and judges to continue this fraud by unwittingly paying taxes for which we are clearly not liable. To compound this fraud, the Federal Register published that a person was replaced by a thing: the term Director Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced with the term Internal Revenue Service.. The First Bank of theUnited Stateswas created in 1791 and chartered for 20 years but was not renewed due to public outrage over policy. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Not even Stephen King could come up with some of the ways they "tortured and disposed" of people who opposed them. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, History of U.S. Relations With the Holy See. Your so-called right to vote in America is actually about slave registration. The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original Constitution for the United States for America was changed to the THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Your email address will not be published. Throughout my life, I have always felt that there was something not right about our society. Like any corporation (i.e., Walmart, Target), you are NOT bound to the rules (acts and statutes) of the United States, Inc. unless you agree to be a citizen (employee) of this corporation. The information in this article is more focused on the USA, because I am more familiar with the so called laws in the USA and the U.S. legal system. (a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality. As described in the book The Great American Adventure: The Secrets of America. Do your research my friends. The Vatican is in the middle of all this corruption, which is why all roads tend to lead to Rome, home of the Vatican. Vatican: The Greatest Usurper Enslaving All of Humanity Hence, was born. United States Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Colorado Has Fun With Biden & Barry: Colorado To Pay $25-$100 Bounty On Shot Down Obama Drones ~ Citizens Receive License To Protect States SovereignAirspace! Truths the system is hiding to you, IRS Forces U.S. Citizens To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes To The Queen Of The UK DeepState, Debt Agents Of The Foreign FederalReserve. By 1790 Hamilton and his bankers had created a privately owned central bank and converted the public debt (interest-free) into interest bearing bonds, payable to the bankers. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Your analysis is excellent but the rest of the story is at the website I just mentioned. Fast forward to 1972 when, again with no legal authority, Acting Secretary of Treasury, Charles E. Walker, signed Treasury Order 120-01, establishing The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). The flag of Washington's District of Columbia has 3 red stars (the 3 stars denoting DC, Vatican City and City of London). In legal term, your right to vote is actually a privilegebecause to be a United States citizen means that you are a legal person, also known as a corporation. The Holy See also is an observer to a number of international organizations of which the United States is a member, including the United Nations, Organization of American States, and World Trade Organization. The elite have long relied upon our not knowing the truth and not knowing what to do. This happens because he swore an oath to the foreign UNITED STATES INCORPORATED and the foreign organization that controls it. In the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, it uses the uppercase C in the term Continental United States. PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES - Page 2 - Godlike Productions The Holy See, as the supreme body of government of the Catholic Church, is a sovereign juridical entity under international law. The United States people lost their independence in 1871. Be aware that the Democracy (the Federal United States) is not the same as the original USA, which is known as the Republic for the United States of America. History Day: Corporate America, its a little more accurate than you know. You can click the "map" link and see a graphic indicating that this "Government" is located on "Capitol Hill" (same place as Congress) in Washington DC. They have done this by keeping Americans feeling under eternal threat, both at home and worldwide, thereby justifying taxes for what is made to appear as desperately-needed protection. After five years of writing wellness and conscious living articles for, I chose to open another blog for the purpose of sharing my spiritual wisdom to the world. Before I reveal the three different types of citizenship (citizen-ship or citizen of a ship) of the United States, I need to explain to you what the United States is, so that you know it is NOT a country. The IRS is Puerto Rican Trusts operated by the Secretary of the Treasury, as the Trustee. Then this Federal court turned around and threatened attorneys that raised the illegal ratification issue with court fines if any daredraise the issue again as if some cabal-stooge in a Secretary of State position can substitute his signature for the proper and legal ratification of an entire State what gall! There are now movements afoot to mount a massive new class-action suit against the IRS. No one in the IRS or BATF has any authority to do what they have been doing all these years. It contains information that gives us some clue as to why nearly all United States politicians are traitors. They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use of the land, but they could NEVER own it. The British Crown Runs the U.S. Legal System So the Federal power-seekers sought to overrule our forefathers and to empower the Federal Government, (that is, our US Federal Corporation, hereinafter, The FEDS) with the power to tax individuals through the 16th Amendment. The charter guaranteed future German Roman Catholic Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America. The chain of commandstarts with Congress, then flows to the President, then to IRS Chief Counsel not to the Department of Justice. The PDF file below shows evidence that the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA is a corporation. No IRS or BATF agent or representative can provide any law, rule or regulation that gives them authority to audit anyone but themselves. Prior to 1940, another Bureau of Internal Revenue was created in Puerto Rico and known as Trust Fund #62. The Lawsuit That Could End the Bankster Rule of Western Civilization, HISTORY Not Now Taught in Public Schools The Cover-Up of the Truth. Tax researcher, Richard Standring (now deceased) believed that the US funds itself with loans from the International Monetary Fund. Letter to the editor: US is a corporation, not a country - Missoulian Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. Most truth seekers know that Republic of the United States was turned into a corporation in 1871, and the U.S. IRS Forces U.S. Citizens To Pay A Percentage Of Their Taxes To The Since these forms are affidavits, you commit a crime when you fill out the form confirming what you are not, a taxpayer. Passed by Congress for the years 1943 to 1944, the Victory Tax Act duped patriotic Americans into paying taxes to support winning World War II. Click here for the proof. One of the first steps to free humanity is to educate people about the New World Order and the legal system. However, because the President has the authority to appoint IRS Chief Counsel, he/she can appoint a delegate to appear in federal court on behalf of the IRS and IRS employees. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. When looking at the secrets held within Vatican City, perhaps the most logical place to start is the Vatican Secret Archives. . The 1040 tax form is the payment of a foreign tax to the King/Queen of England. It regards you as its numbered and catalogued property. The Who, How and Why of the JFK Assassination and Why It Still Matters, Meditation, Yoga, Grounding & Mindfulness, You Know Something Is Wrong When An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, The main hidden agenda of the United Nations, to be a United States citizen means that you are a legal person, also known as a corporation, The Great American Adventure: The Secrets of America, Why the Right to Vote in the United States is a Fraud, The 50 Federal States are fictitious entities because they exist only in our minds and on paper. The Federal Register, Vol. It happened because we have been ignorant, apathetic and even stupid.. Your Birth Certificate is essentially the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. With the "Act of 1871," our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word "for" was changed to the word "of" in the title. 'They think they are above the law': the firms that own America's miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution the United States secret second constitution. It is extracted from my fourth seminar titled Word Magic and the Power of Words. by the Catholic Church on Jan 1, 1855 ) thereby incurring a DEBT to the Pope. Third Vice President Of The United States Of America Shoots Alexander Hamilton Dead Putting An End To Hamiltons Noble Speeches Of Defending The Constitution While At The Same Time Hamilton Is Injecting Rothschild Poison Into The Veins Of The Newly Formed USA! The Code of Federal Regulations of the USA, Title 26 Internal Revenue, Chapter I, references for the first time terms such as income, credits, withholding, assessment and collection and failure to file a return. The Corporate United States operates similar to any corporation and is one of the largest corporations in the world. Furthermore, it teaches you how to help free humanity from its influence. Acquired by conquest, the US gained possession of the Philippine Islands, Guam and Puerto Rico. Pope Francis Sends Obama Powerful Letter Via Attorney [on] July 4th The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. At the very least, as an ethical Presidential Candidate, Jeb Bush would be expected to denounce pedophilia and ritual child sacrifice by his father and brother and any other Bush family members. This income tax was repealed ten years later. The scam manifests itself in many different ways. Did You Know the IRS is a Foreign Private Corporation? Have you ever wondered why the United States has a president and a vice president? To summarize, there is no such organization within the Department of Treasury known as The Internal Revenue Service or the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms. In Title 31 USC stating the laws applicable to the Department of Treasury and listing the organizations belonging to it, there is no IRS or BATFlisted. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. is administered by the alleged Internal Revenue Service. IRS lawyers, federal judges and IRS personnel and appointees habitually lie in court cases to perpetuate IRS fraud. Nearly all politicians in the USA are TREASONISTS, because they swore an oath to a privately owned foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES INCORPORATED. The purpose of this is to trick you to think that they are the same thing. When you are confronted by a Special Agent of the IRS, you are really dealing with a deputized United States Marshall. The Federal tax rate was in the single digits for those making under $250,000 in household income, and was capped at 15% for those making over $2 million. Nearly every church in the USA and the world has been infiltrated by the Jesuits and the Knights Templar, which is why churches have crosses on their walls and roofs. All 2016 Presidential candidates should be questioned as to whether they have ever participated in pedophilia, ritual child sacrifice, or child trafficking, or in any of the networks that support such. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials. This bond that represents the date of your birth is known as your birth certificate. This explains why USA agencies such as the National Security Agency (NSA) are at the forefront of the effort to torture and robotize humanity, and are intimately involved in, for example, the interface between remote neuro-mind control weapons and Hospitals that can implant victim mothers, and Family Law and Pyschiatric facilities that can plot to take the victims children for the pedophile networks. These pedophile and child sacrifice infrastructure networks in turn interface with the Monarchies, Vatican Popes & Cardinals, Parliaments, Governments, Courts, Police, Schools, and other networks in a nation such as Belgium. Americans pay a percentage of their taxes to the Queen of England via the IRS. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Without the approval of Congress or the President, Humphrey illegally turned the Trust(s) into a Department of Treasury agency. The IRS is a criminal, thug organization that is out of control. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), U.S. The right to vote in the United States of America is a FRAUD, because your vote does not really matter and the voting system is rigged, just like a casino. The Pope is the ruler of both Vatican City State and the Holy See. The Vatican Bank has $8 billion in assets. I haveneverknown the prejudice in favor of birth, parentage and descent, more conspicuous than in the instance of Col. Burr. Bureau of Internal Revenue Becomes Internal Revenue Service. The Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth operating with identical charters but covering different territories. The current president (Obama) of the United States is not the president of a country, but is the president of a corporation (United States, Inc.). The Apostolic, or Papal, Palace is one of the most used and beloved pieces of Catholic Church real estate. It would appear now from the evidence this over-all enterprise driving the global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks can be termed the driving force behind The Transhumanist Agenda or the New World Order.
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