relationship trouble, disharmony in a relationship. Are both of you coming into the relationship with the same expectations, and have you communicated that with each other? It stands for harmonious relationships that are founded on true attraction and passion. GOOD. The Archangel appears out of the clouds, with the Sun above him at its zenith, the radiant source of life. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. I also love having my White Sound Machine and my Asakuki Diffuser running in my living room. For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. If you ask how someone feels for you, the Lovers reversed can indicate that their love for you is fading or has has faded. The Lovers as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) By The Lovers is the card of love, relationships, passion, desire, and choices. Death Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! An angel or cupid, a man and a woman, two trees (in Waite, it is Adam & Eve with one tree having a serpent and apples) - in some decks one tree is flowering, but the other has fruit. With hand in heart and a calm mind, take a good look at yourself to discover what you really love about your life. The angel wears a purple robe, which symbolizes spirituality and royalty. WebLovers as Feelings If you are asking about how he or she feelings about you, then the Lovers is one of the best cards to get. Eve eating the apple offered by the serpent propels humanity into a binding downward spiral, forever losing the innocence shared with Adam in utopian Eden. For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. Nevertheless, the Lovers card portrays a scene of immense beauty and grace. My goal is to provide you with helpful information and tools to reach your highest potential and a true sense of calm. In a yes or no reading, when The Lovers card is reversed the answer is generally considered to be a No.. They might feel uncomfortable talking with you, leading to the wrong message being sent or received. One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. Again, it is a matter of how you choose to spend your time. It might be hurting your social life, causing you to withdraw from friends and family because you dont want to get hurt or simply to avoid everyone. As far as how they see you, there might be information that has been kept from you or them; this breeds hostility in the connection between you and them. WebThe Lovers tarot card can mean: Upright: Love, union, and marriage. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. These don't speak to thinking about oneself. Most people interpret the Lovers card as a card symbolical of romantic love, perhaps due to the man and woman (or Adam and Eve) on the cards illustration. However, this card generally denotes a positive outcome to the situation. Not only being strict with the external situation, but you also need to consider your The combination of the Lovers and the Queen of Cups radiates a very optimistic and loving energy. You have to make a choice and if you do not choice wisely it will be a decision you will come to regret immensely and profoundly. Yes, he will. You are not feeling the same level of closeness as you once did with your soul, and the feeling is likely to be mutual. It indicates a stable and long-lasting relationship if you have a partner. They are very local as symbolized by the unmoving mountain in the card. Mostly falling in love with people but also the contended feeling of being comfortable in our own skin and our self-esteem rising along with our confidence. Perhaps there is free will on earth, but you decided a certain path before you came to earth. That which is both emotionally and physically pleasurable will pop up as The Lovers. With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. There is a spark and a mutually felt connection with this person. No matter what the Lovers cards position in the reading may be, the overall meaning of the Lovers card upright is a favorable one. There is a reason the symbol of Twins represents this zodiac sign. With this card, all strong emotions are ignited within you. It indicates that youre experiencing a strong sense of love and understanding that you dont really find with anyone else. In fact, they have been living in a state of denial for quite some time and are finally coming to terms with the huge ramifications of their departure from love. Lovers can be about any unions. Lets now go ahead and take a look at the meaning of the reversed position of the Lovers tarot card when it comes to feelings. While it may not mean a union, it says that this person wants you around. That is one of the main concepts of the Lovers card boundless unconditional love. It calls for communication, willpower, and strength of character. It's about that feeling you get, out of the blue, that is yours and yours alone. The Lovers as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) By The Lovers is the card of love, relationships, passion, desire, and choices. The Lovers card will often appear when you are called to make a tough choice, especially one that affects your social life. What might help is the realization that in true love and in a successful relationship there is no point in talking about choices. WebThe Lovers signifies perfect union, harmony, love and attraction. Id love to hear about your experience. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. GOOD. The Lovers card in an upright position, as a card of advice, talks about the inevitable choices you have to make to honestly figure out what you love or desire in your life. But the Lovers card does. b. The card depicts a choice between two loves: earthly desire and spiritual development, but the card means more than that. Upright The Lovers card as feelings portrays love, empathy, confidence, togetherness, and harmony between the pair. If you are doing a simple Yes/No reading to check if a person likes you, the answer is Yes. WebThe Lovers As Feelings. They are passionate about life in general, and you might consider them physically attractive. Emsie #4 Thirteen said: If this card is about his feelings toward you, why would you think it means he's seeing another person? The caf where you had a fight with your former best friend, the house of an ex-partner, the street corner where they told you its not you, its me. As a result, they are unable to cultivate any stability in life. They weigh the good and evil before arriving at a decision; they are connected to every aspect of their being- their conscious, subconscious, and the Divine. You are not feeling the same level of closeness as you once did with your soul, and the feeling is likely to be mutual. This card also teaches us that this love is only possible through excellent communication and a shared understanding. They might also be about partnership outside a romantic relationship. They might also be about partnership outside a romantic relationship. If the reading is to do with your personality, a Lovers in reverse could mean that you are not open enough with yourself, and your subconscious is nudging you to be more self-accepting so that you can heal and reconnect with your core values. This symbolizes the profound, self-honoring reciprocity between a man and a woman. This is a card all about predestination. In questions regarding career and money, the Lovers card signifies that you may have to make an important choice. For singles, the Lovers reversed as feelings indicates that this is not the right person for you. They also represent all kinds of unions and relationships - even business relationships. You have two choices. Ive recently started working with an online psychic reading company and Ive received some great feedback. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. The man stands next to the tree of life or the Jewish kabbalistic tree. When this card shows up, we are usually giving our power away to something outside of ourselves. It indicates that they are likely to be very open and honest with you when it comes to their true feelings as they feel safe and respected around you. Intimacy. It calls for attention to be given to communicating better with the person or partner involved. Finally, the Lovers reminds us that just as you want to be loved by another, make sure that you love yourself too. This person may also suffer from low self-esteem and may not consider themselves worthy of receiving any happiness or joy. They sense a lack of strength and are conflicted about how they feel about you. The Lovers are also a calling to step out of the imaginary world of what-ifs where you might be waiting for ideal conditions that will probably not arise and make a conscious, realistic decision about your career. One that is governed by the stars, the moon and the laws of the spirit. WebThe seven cups represent the seven elements: love, anger, fear, courage, love, luck, and luck. Perhaps you simply cannot understand or respect each other anymore. Being with your soul mate. You may be the possible other half of a long-lasting relationship based on mutual respect and love. This combination shows someone feels confident to approach you. Communication or an attempt to talk things out will not yield positive results and might bring up previously withheld information. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. It denotes love and trust between partners, with each partner giving strength to the other. The decision to be taken might be made from your subconscious or higher self instead of your conscious mind. Your friend in question is someone you can trust and talk about anything you have in mind, knowing that you will be met with understanding. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. As it embodies a strong sense of love and partnership, it is very clear that the feelings associated with this card are positive. Esthetician. The Lovers also indicates a happy, harmonious future with a balance between the conscious, sub-conscious, and the Divine. The Lovers tarot card in reversed position can indicate that you or your partner is missing a sense of connection. Upright, The Lovers tarot card represents love, commitment, and noncommittal communication issues. WebThe Lovers as feelings will tell you, Of course, he loves you. So neither can use the head AND the heart to come to the right decision. As tarot reader and founder of Witchy Wellness Leah Vanderveldt explains to mbg, the Lovers is a complex card. The querent almost always chooses the soulmate path. This creates obstacles in communication. Raphael hangs heavily over Adam and Eve, as their guardian angel of communication. The Lovers symbolizes that there might be approaching judgments to be made in a relationship; the relationship may or may not be romantic. The Lovers symbolizes that there might be approaching judgments to be made in a relationship; the relationship may or may not be romantic. They feel that this is the perfect union for them. If you are interested in getting a tarot reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. The Lovers show that perfect union is possible. One just seemed to pop up out of nowhere. It may very well appear when you feel like you have found your ideal partner! The Lovers as Feelings. Their easy-to-use website, experienced readers and outstanding customer service is second to none (not to mention, the glowing reviews from satisfied customers speak for themselves!). The Lovers indicate that a union is blessed and that two persons are meant to be together.