You will have an initial selection of Kingdom Events as well. Before asking about the fire-resistant trolls, ask what he is selling. Backtrack and make your way east along the northern bank of the river. These are nothing to worry about but you will probably aggro two Branded Trolls and a regular Troll at the same time. Do not cross yet. Go inside and remove the trap (DC22) from the floor panel and search it for the Devourer of Metal composite longbow which will make Ekundayo even more of a murder machine. Letting him keep the armour locks you out of Dragn's masterwork for no benefit whatsoever while killing him will cause the quest to fail. You might as well sell him back his key (2 gold). In a bad case of writer's pet, if Regongar is in your party, he will override you in this matter and attack the children. Send just one person through the gate at the top to trigger the two Ancient Will-o'-Wisps, otherwise you'll get bottlenecked. Either option will add the Thorn River Bank location to your world map. Jhod tells you that the curse afflicting the place will reach its peak strength in a month. You need to pass an Athletics (DC26) check to get up there and there are three Greater Enraged Owlbears stalking the place. After all, if you turned down every quest that came your way, where would you be? And a material reward if you asked for one. You'll also want to keep one of your High Priest, Regent and Councilor free. At the top, go left and defeat a pair of Gargoyles. Apart from the DR, he's not that tough. Don't feel obliged to rush into this. The check is made by your main character, so choose whichever one is most likely to succeed. When you do, hostilities will ensue. After a short while, you will be attacked by a War Wisp. . Go back to the previous room and go through the door to the west. A little further on is another trap and another patrolling Redcap. Speak to the Old Beldame and ask about the lost child (remember him?). Speak to Lykka nearby who's a friendly nixie. Instead ask how you can help to learn that he needs two coins to put over his eyelids. the place will be empty so camp until nighttime if necessary. Backtrack, cross over the path and head west to the edge of the map where you will find the hapless Ditael facing off against a pair of Dire Wolves. Otherwise it's worth a decent amount of gold. Head west from here to some low ruins. Kill the lot of them and open the nearby chest to find the Galt Ragout recipe, a Soot Blackened Brand (2/5) and some gold. When they're dead, search a nearby chest for gold and the Ancestral Dwarven Shield. Go back to your fortress and enter the tavern (either select it when you go to the fortress or exit the throne room and go all the way to the right to see the marker leading to it). Ignore the imposing statue of Torag for the moment but grab some minor loot from a container next and read the Worn Parchment for some hints for a puzzle. Cast a Stinking Cloud at the portal in preparation for the next things to emerge: the Lost Sister and a Smilodon-like Treant. Only fire seems to cause a troll to hesitate, but even this mortal threat is not enough to stop a trolls advance. Head through to the room that Kargadd emerged from. The large chest reveals itself to be a Mimic. The Blades aren't much tougher than the Sentinels, although they have sem-respectable AC. This is another dwarven relic that will have Harrim musing on the inevitability of death and decay. She drowned them(!) Afterwards, make your way to the area exit in the southwest. Bartholomew's House I've played through the Troll Chapter probably 10 different times, and every other time, Bartholomew's area gets invaded by trolls at some point, I go there and save him (or fail to), and he asks me to recover the black whip. When they're dead, loot a Masterwork dagger and Amulet of Natural Armor +2 from the lost sister. If you don't, he will help you later. Loot the opened chest for a Red Cog-wheel Ring, a Breastplate +2, the Trollreaper greataxe and a Soot Blackened Apron (1/5), the first of another relic set. This is a very profitable place to visit although some of the encounters are quite bruising. If you go south and east, you will come across another group of bandits. If you recruited Nazrielle, her apprentice, Sartayne, will appear to offer an apology. Now to track down Ivar. Ask why you should show mercy rather than killing him outright and you can get more information out of him. Tristian's Holy Lance ability on your best attacker is quite nice for these since they are evil. Examine the ground nearby to find a Ring of Protection +1. Select one of the events to go to the throne room. Head to the hut in the northeast of the village. Continue east and when the path forks, turn southeast towards Lake Silverstep Village and go in. Go back inside for an easy battle against a Kobold Sentinel and two Trollhounds. If you're burdened with loot from the Troll Lair, you can sell to him as well; just be careful not to sell him anything irreplaceable (the Heart of the Anvil looks like a common gem, for example) because he may shortly disappear from the game one way or another. Unless you want his loot which is quite nice. You'll find the body of the boar lying on the ground just to the north of the area where the Moon Radishes grow. You're not able to do this if you chose another option earlier. It's not on your quest list, but there's something you can unlock now rather than later. You will pass the Abandoned Laboratory, a future kingdom resource to the northwest. Loot a nearby body the a White Cog-wheel Ring, a Handaxe +1 and a Bandit's Letter which makes for interesting reading. This brings you out by the Troll Clearing. But not Grease so lay that down and then lay into them with the person wielding the Demolisher. If Ekun is going to be your Mobility guy, he'll want Boots of Elvenkind as well. There are two ways to do this: speak to Aysel and follow the "Let's talk about this hunter" thread to receive a Diplomacy 19 check to have Aysel add Silverstep Grove to your map. He has a surprisingly large number of HP. The DC30 Knowledge (Arcana) check gives you a clue for the puzzle in this room. Don't cross at Ford Across the Skunk River. Unlock the square container (DC26) for a unique greataxe, Second Execution. This is an update to his artisan quest which you can complete now. All lead to Hargulka setting his minions on you and leaving so you may as well try the Intimidate option to get a few XP out of the confrontation. Search the chest to the left of it to find the Soot-Blackened Tongs (4/5) and some Bracers of Armor +3. Continue to the edge of the map and you will see a Gloomberry. She complains that her son Tig has run away and that she's not been able to find him. A hard-to-spot (DC27) and locked (DC25) chest outside the southwesternmost house contains an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. They are almost certainly too powerful for you right now (they're 18th level and you're 8th). Take a look at the booty near the boat to learn about the adventure seekers who went here before. Ask what they were arguing about and they will tell you about the danger posed by the Scythe-Tree. Sad to say, but being a man of the people is not the best choice here. Make your choice and return to Bokken. Continue east and you will run into two low-level bandits. You may want to buy the Trapspringer's Gloves from Hassuf first. Return to your capital and rest. When the 14 days are up, the Rotten Beasts event will appear in your event list. Outside the chief's hut is a sack filled with minor loot. There is some fallen rubble to the south. The BLT is no more powerful than the creature you fought at the Temple of the Elk ages ago. Go south to find 4 Ferocious Wolves. The check itself is DC17. A short distance to the west of the bandits is a well-hidden (DC22) container. I managed it with Kalikke using empowered blasts on the Tremendous Centipedes. He wants to go back to the road but is afraid of traps. Among the Kobolds prioritise the Boomsayer and Sniper. There is a locked (DC 30) container on the wall with a pair of Lesser Gloves of Dueling. Head up the stairs and kill the two Redcaps. When you reach the crossing point over the Shrike River, continue west. There are a couple of loot stashes here, one of which is locked (DC21). I think the trolls are overpowered in your case (or may be Bartholomew died because of AOE damage from your attacks/spells). This will summon an Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and two War Wisps. These aren't too bad by now. When they're dead, grab a Token of the Dryad from the undergrowth. You also have a bunch of items to sell to Storyteller in the throne room. Make a DC14 Mobility check to climb down. Go across to a side cave on the left where you will find a couple of loot stashes containing a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among other things. Two Trolls and a Branded Troll are attacking a merchant named Dalton and his guard. If they give you trouble, hit them with Stinking Cloud. Talk to him to begin this quest. There is also a merchant near the gate if you want to offload junk that you don't want to carry back to civilisation. It may take a couple of goes, depending on how the RNG gods arrange matters, but you should prevail. Search among the undergrowth to the right of the bridge for another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. Outside the door to Bartholomew's laboratory is a group comprising a Branded Troll and four Ferocious Trollhounds. The Secret Sanctum will be added to your world map. After a couple of rounds, two Dire Venomwolves will emerge from the portal. When they're dead, loot another Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag from the undergrowth near the rocks. Head east and continue east past the Lonely Barrow. The other containers yield minor loot. Since you need to wait for further developments, you can take time out to recruit Kalikke (and her sister). They do lots of damage, have high AC, DR 15/adamantine, breathe out poison gas and are immune to almost everything. You can pick up an errand, Feather Tokens, there. The only characters not affected are Amiri, Valerie, Dog and a female main character. Stinking Cloud will disable out the mass of them. With better equipment than you had earlier, Tranquil River Bend should be manageable. Regardless, you're done with this location for the time being. Backtrack to the start of the level and go back upstairs. You can either escape or kill them. If you examine the walls nearby. Search the campsite and you will find a rope and a crowbar among other minor loot. There is a trap at the bottom of the nearby stairs so don't go down there at this time. A new update 2.0.7k is here! One of the doors upstairs is locked (DC17). In the square, Linzi will introduce you to Tessie the Quill, a merchant who sells books. Bartholomew Delgado is a reclusive mage living at the Lone House. Head through the hidden door in the north wall. The next time you go into Kingdom Management, you will find two new pieces of Curse research. Unlock the door next to it leading to a treasure room. It seems that Ditael, another of Nazrielle's apprentices, has run off with the weapon that Nazrielle was crafting for you, initiating her artisan quest. Interact with the switch on the floor and more weak undead will emerge from the sarcophagi. At the top, there is a cave entrance to your right. He's an archer so unequip the Savage Bow and Bracers of Archery from whoever is currently using them.