This day was to honor is career and accomplishments both on and off the field. Lou Gehrig addresses various people in his life who have impacted him throughout the duration of his. For as long as I have known the game of baseball and learned of our countrys history, there is one man that has always stood out to me. (Gehrig 1) When children and fans alike idolize a player like this, they seem to think of them as invincible (Muder 16). Abel, Ernest I. One of these legends was a man named Babe Ruth, a home-run hitter with a total of 714 home-runs during his career(1). You and your group will collaborate to write a Rhetorical Analysis essay via this Google Docs [COPY SHARE DOC] template. Thank you, Yogi Berra Rest in Peace. In Kings speech he, In Lou Gehrig's "Farewell to Baseball Address," his main goal is to make the claim that is "the luckiest man on the face of the earth" by using multiple techniques. Academic Search Complete. He then ends the paragraph and the repetition by stating that having a wife that loves and supports her husband is the finest I know. Being a sports enthusiast, a memorable speech comes to my mind. I always knew that as long as I was following Babe to the plate I could have gone up there and stood on my head. name, used the occasion of his retirement to thank his fans, teammates, and loved ones for their After his retirement he came back to Yankee stadium for one last farewell. He states I might have been given a bad break, but I have much to live for, infers his will to live. With these two sentences alone, one can see the humility of the man upon the podium far exceeds that of the average man. His name is Lou Gehrig's in his 272 word speech which lasted about two minutes. I think it will be interesting to see how his speech applies to the present day and the current attention associated with ALS. Baseball is considered Americas pastime, and because of this, the abruptness of the announcement was multiplied far more than if it had been an actor or politician that had contracted the disease. In the first lines of the speech Gehrig grabs the audience's attention with emotional appeal by saying Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I. Lou Gehrig's "farewell speech", given on July 4th, 1939, to more than 62,000 fans at New York City's Yankee Stadium, has become a cornerstone in the history of baseball in America. That was what happened to the legendary Lou Gehrig. Lou Gehrigs farewell to baseball speech was about much more than just baseball. speaker. From political figures to sports players; these people have provided deep thoughts and great insights about who they are and the world we live in today. 9 Apr. Throughout. Barry Bonds, a former African American player, said he wouldnt have had even the slightest bit of courage if it werent for Jackie Robinsons amazing legacy. Gehrig's words are infused with emotion, as he speaks with gratitude, They are a ton of emotional appeals especially with Gehrigs ALS but I think you are really going to have to search deep for some logos and pathos analysis. This rouses common emotions of fellowship, kinship, and companionship among his audience Voice Diction The former Yankee player used ethical and emotional appeal during the course of his speech to touch the hearts of thousands of fans who loved and respected Americas beloved pastime. Lou Gehrigs disease); Lou Gehrig would never play baseball again. Lou Gehrig delivers an emotionally-charged, heart-wrenching farewell to his loving fans, colleagues and family, while reflecting and emphasizing how blessed he has been, despite the unfortunate turn of events. Rather, than focusing his speech around his illness, Gehrig instead talks about being the. This essay was written by a fellow student. Lou Gehrig is considered one of the most under-rated sports players of all time. Gehrig was stricken with ALS, a disease that causes the muscles to atrophy or essentially become inoperable. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition. As Gehrig reached High School he was not playing the sport that he will eventually become one of the greatest to ever play. He wanted people to know him as a normal person instead of a great and fascinating celebrity. The Boston Red Sox bought Babe, In 1939 an unforgettable speech was given inside of Yankee Stadium, home of the New York Yankees. Being a Missouri native, Angela Juergensmeyer grew up watching St. Louis Cardinals baseball with her family and enjoying every minute of it. It was a disease where the central function of the nervous system becomes dysfunctional, but the mind remains perfectly healthy till death. 15 rhetorical analysis questions to ask your students. In the first sentence, Gehrig addresses the elephant the room, (his doom due to the degenerative disease ALS, ironic due to the fact the disease attacked the very thing that made him exceptional, his athleticism) but reassures the audience by refuting this point with the fact he believes he is the luckiest man on earth, a point he goes on to defend for the remainder of his speech. Jackie even showed his sense of courage to people off the field. Lou thanks his wife, coaches, teammates, and even in-laws for the love and strength that they have showed to Lou through the bad break that he got. 7 (2002): 347. Lou Gehrig, one of the greats in baseball, had his amazing record taken from him during the 1939 season when he gave the umpire the cards of the players and announced he would no longer play the game. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. One can almost consider it ironic that Lou contracted this disease. See our. The speech Kennedy gave was crucial in the maintenance of peace in tragic times. Lou Gehrig is looking on the positive . Gehrig was a slugger and was loved by fans for not only for his ability to hit the ball out of the park, but also for his social influence in baseball. Lou Gehrigs farewell speech, given on July 4th, 1939, to more than 62,000 fans at New York Citys Yankee Stadium, has become a cornerstone in the history of baseball in America. Gehrig, Gehrig delivers this speech on a day of celebration towards him while coming to terms with this new diagnosis. gratitude. Gehrig wanted people to know that he has had a good life and they should not feel sorry for him. He was playing fullback for his High School football team. Please use the Rhetorical Analysis: Writing Tools & Tips'' to help you before you begin writing. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism Roberts main points throughout the speech were how the country as a whole should move forward, why the states should not resort to violence but unity instead, and he also addressed that the country needed unity, love, and compassion. Gehrig's disease, which is now known as Lou Gehrig's disease or amyotrophic lateral This is initiated from very beginning, in the exordium when Gehrig states, "Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. If this country does not find a way to use that energy, it will be destroyed by that energy. Jackie grew up in unfortunate circumstances that many families dealt with at the time with his dad being a sharecropper. AP Eng. Although Lou has the disease named after him, there are several other notable individuals who have been diagnosed with ALS. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your Name __Mathias Schaffhausen_____ Period 6th_____ Directions: Use Lou Gehrig's Farewell Speech to complete the rhetorical analysis charts below. This phrase shows us how he had many people playing as jey roles in his life to make him feel lucky. ALS is also named Lou Gehrigs disease because he was the first person to bring ALS to a national attention in the 1930s. Lou Gehrig's "Farewell Address to Baseball" was a short speech directed at baseball fans to discuss his great life and career. The speech brought attention to the disease and its horrid nature and even today, we are reminded that Gehrig had the disease as the more common name for ALS is Lou Gehrigs Disease. By talking about his family and the love he has for them it appeals to peoples emotions. People looked up to these baseball players and it was through them that they could get. The main point of the speech was for people to remember the great legacy he had and his life. The Iron Horse as he was known, was forced to retire at a young age due to a life threatening disease called ALS and often known as Lou Gehrig's disease. After realizing that the crowds initial reaction would be the desire to revolt violently, Kennedy knew he needed to subdue their immediate emotional reactions and make them respond rationally and peacefully. In addition to shocking the country, Washingtons Farewell Address set a precedent for presidents to come. June 19th, 1939 one of the New York Yankees and baseball's most famous first baseman, Lou Gehrig, was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis after six days of extensive testing. These struggles cause full time assistance and usual doctor visits. It is hard to imagine knowing that one is about to be trapped, about to die a terrible death and still have the strength and willpower to go upon a podium and deliver such a moving speech. cite it correctly. Gehrig's use of pathos is further enhanced by his delivery, which is ALS is a neurological disease that attacks the bodys neurons that control voluntary muscle movement (Amyotrophic). He was born on June 19, 1903 in New York City. Gehrig's use of pathos is further enhanced by his delivery, Another important rhetorical device that Gehrig employs in his Farewell Speech is, logos, or the appeal to reason and logic. 2 (2009): 16-18. It showed people all throughout America that even when someone is going through something devastating, there are still a lot of things to remember to be thankful for. Lou Gehrigs speech, Farewell to Baseball Address, delivers an emotional punch to the gut as he explains about how lucky he is to have had a wonderful life with some amazing people. The speech wasn't just for Yankees fans, but for all fans of baseball. People who are treated unwantedly wanted a right, freedom, and change in society. 9 Apr. it has helped to cement Gehrig's place in the pantheon of American sports heroes. Minimal, superficial answers will earn minimal credit. Hank Aaron, a great baseball player, but more importantly a great civil rights activist, that helped many african-americans get away from racial violence. Nonetheless, I think youll do a great job! Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS for short, is a a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impacts physical function, usually killing the person in two to five years. The mans compelling words paired with ethics, examples, and feelings make this speech a positive reminder about how to express gratitude in the darkest time of. This horrible disease also causes the difficulty to speak, move, breathe, and eat. 2 (2010): 1-11. During the civil rights movement Martin Luther King, Jr. had a speech about how they were treated and does not have much right like others, even they were supposed to be free long ago. He states his argument right away by saying that he, He sticks to his goal of trying to prove that he is the luckiest man alive during the whole speech by giving several examples and explanations from his life. Immediately following the death of Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968, Robert Kennedy's job was to inform his African American audience of King's passing. sadness of baseball fans (Anderson, 2013). Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and on July 4, 1939 Gehrig stood before his devoted fans at Yankee Stadium and announced that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans. This statement is It sets a very powerful and emotional tone for the audience because during the speech. Gehrig seemed to have the world in the palm of his hand. htm&. It was a testing time for the American people, so just to relax and enjoy themselves, people went to baseball games. Gehrig showed the world how strong willed and fearless a person can be in the face of adversity. He brings us together in this sorrowful time in order to remember those who died because We mourn seven heroes (Reagan, 1986) and We mourn their loss as a nation together (Reagan, 1986). He begins his speech by saying, Fans, for the past two weeks you have Gehrig was able to use his honest personality and character, which allowed him to establish credibility. Phi Kappa Phi Forum 89. Unsubscribe at any time. He shared his gratitude toward his parents, his wife, and mother-in-law. This disease is perhaps one of the most feared diseases, for it traps a persons mind inside their body. The son of German immigrants, Gehrig was the only one of four children to survive. . Group Rhetorical Essay Assignment Activity (50 Point AA), Easy to extract files (Zip files see below), English Grade 11 and 12 Honors/AP Language Test Prep Practice. American Rhetoric: Lou Gehrig Farewell to Baseball Address. Though he knows he will shortly die, he believes that he really is the luckiest man alive. On July 4, 1939, in the New York Yankee stadium. report, Lou Gehrig Speech Analysis. Kennedy was scheduled to speak to a large African-American audience, and was advised by the Indianapolis Police to not speak. Gehrig, Lou. by the legendary baseball player on July 4, 1939, at Yankee Stadium in New York City. Gehrig gave his farewell speech to a sold-out stadium full of devoted fans, coaches, teammates, friends, and family. Lou Gehrig had been playing major league baseball for seventeen years and is one of the most well thought of players in the game. This shows that he is thankful for his parents for investing in his life and making him became s famous legend in baseball history. When he talked you listened so many yogi-isms that not only were related to baseball, but life itself every time you hear these a smile should come across your face remembering Barra and his influence on the field and off! Also, the many people he impacted and helped them get away from racial violence. He uses the audience's emotional vulnerability to make his argument stronger and more convincing. Gehrig was elected to the Hall of Fame that December. Children, men, and woman across the ballpark cannot believe that this icon, this hero to all American, is dieing as he speaks. The Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis Activity Packet, I Have a Dream Close Read and Rhetorical Analysis, September 11 Address to the Nation Sampler, September 11 Address to the Nation Rhetorical Analysis Unit. Lou Gehrig's speech, Farewell to Baseball Address, delivers an emotional punch to the gut as he explains about how lucky he is to have had a wonderful life with some amazing people. Despite the confidence Washington had for his country to continue to thrive without his leadership, he felt obligated to forewarn the American people and future generations the greatest dangers, or threats, to the United States. Pathos is also established in the introduction of his speech when Pausch is explaining his cancer and how he only has months to live, which is easy for many people to relate to considering there are numerous people who have received the news that their loved one has a short period of time to. In Reagans address, he uses many rhetorical devices to advance his purpose of unifying America, for instance, Reagan utilizes tone, syntax, and pathos to portray his pride, hopefulness, and patriotism for America. Although not the main star gehrig pushed himself to be one of the greats and on of the most well respected men in the MLB in his quote "Let's face it. He emphasizes that being culturally diverse is something that must be learned and it does not come naturally to human beings. Introduction a. Hook: Quote from ESPN article about Gehrig speech: ESPN staff writer Steve Wulf shares the background of Yankee great Lou Gehrig's funeral, where "his Episcopal priest said there would be no eulogy: 'We need none because we all knew him'" (Wulf). He said, The credibility, or ethos, of Gehrig's speech was already there before he ever started the speech. Football Increases The Risk For Lou Gehrigs Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Before boarding his plane, Kennedy found out that Martin Luther King, Jr. had been shot in Memphis, Tennessee. In Kings speech he says, Its ugly record of police brutality is known in every section of this country (King Page 6). Speech Analysis These two rhetorical devices grant Lou the ability to show himself as a modest and grateful person to his audience. His name is Lou Gehrig's in his 272 word speech which lasted about two minutes. The fist technique that Lou Gehrig uses is repitition of key phrases. On January 11, 1989, President Ronald Reagan sat at his desk in the Oval Office to address his nation for the final time. It causes weakness, muscle atrophy, and difficulty. 9 Apr. Another. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. For professional baseball player Lou Gehrig, that is exactly what happened. Gehrig's Farewell Speech is a testament to his resilience and his ability to find joy and One of them are his parents who Lou Gehrig says "When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and build your body -- its a blessing." Gehrig died in 1941, two years after after he showed symptoms. This past Fourth of July marked the 75th Anniversary of the iconic farewell to baseball speech, Luckiest Man, delivered by Lou Gehrig at the Yankee Stadium in 1939. the appeal to emotion. Despite their struggles, Jackies main focus was on sports and really pushed him through high school and colleges (Kenny, 34). Without any prior warning, this icon begins to talk about a deadly disease that he has been contracted with and that he must immediately retire from the game of baseball forever. nerve cells to communicate with the muscles. Each one of us can leave a mark in this world and that is all conducted by effort. When the Babe was through swinging, whether he hit one or fanned, nobody, The 1920s was a time known as the Golden Age of baseball and consists of many players we consider as legends today. Eisenhowers purpose is to convey to the country that he will fight to preserve the decision that the Supreme Court came to on racial segregation. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) By using logos, Gehrig helps to assure his audience that his 8 (2011): 8. She grew up watching John Tudor, Ozzie Smith, and all the greats from St. Louis play baseball. He is addressing the crowd gathered for the Home Plate ceremony at the Yankee's stadium. Ethos Logos Pathos Appeals The stadium sits silently and Lou continues to describe how he considers himself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. He stressed the importance of national unity. Gehrig uses logos when he speaks about the disease that This evidence, revealing MLKs use of pathos, was used to reach out to the emotional citizens who have either experienced or watched police brutality. By: Bailey Paulus Hanna Bastien Kathryn Brooks Olivia Seely What is a rhetorical analysis? Gehrigs word choice has a large impact. And like The Gettysburg Address, it is short. Lou Gehrigs Farewell Speech A Rhetorical Analysis Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Gehrig, Henry Louis.