SKU. DREXEL IMITATOR PLUS 25/Herbicide Branch 5. Do not spray the herbicide around bodies of water, where there's potential for runoff or in areas affected by high and low tides. The headquarters of Vons, which is owned by Albertsons, is located in Fullerton near the FullertonAnaheim line. It is used to kill weeds in and around fences, trees, driveways, flower beds, walkways, shrubs, weedy lawns to prepare for renovations and garden preparations. endstream endobj startxref . DoMyOwn Turf Box - 20% Off + Free Shipping . L. lilmarvin4064 LawnSite Senior Member. ", This product is no longer available. DIRECTIONS FOR USE . When figuring out how much to use, 2 tablespoons is equal to 1 ounce. Website accessibility feedback form If desired, you can store unused glyphosate 41 in the sprayer, but be sure to release the pressure by unscrewing the top until you hear the pressure release; then securely screw the top back in place. Formulation Type: Liquid Concentrate OR Low Concentrate. Screw the top back on the sprayer, pump it up, and the herbicide is ready for use. Product Types: Herbicide. How long does it take Imitator Plus to be rain proof? After applying the herbicide, be sure to change your clothes and wash your hands. Fusilade is a selective post emergent herbicide that controls a long list of perennial and annual grass weeds in turf and landscaped areas. Label Version: 526SP-1015*. 54 of 62 people found this answer helpful. Yes No Welcome Back! However, the product is generally rainproof if its had at least two hours to remain on the targeted plant and has fully dried. Yes, it can be used on Roundup Ready Alfalfa, Canola, Corn, Cotton, Flex Cotton, Soybeans and Sugarbeets. Gently move the tank to mix the product, being careful not to splash it out of the opening. How are you travelling? Imitator Aquatic is a post-emergent herbicide for use as a foliar spray formulated to control annual and perennial weeds and woody plants in Non-crop areas and around Aquatic sites. Add other herbicides such as ammonium sulfate to the water before you add the glyphosate concentrate. Sundays - Closed, 8642 Garden Grove Blvd. Always read and follow the label instructions on the product container(s) before using. 7085 0 obj <>stream California State University, Fullerton. Drexel Imitator Plus is a glyphosate product and will kill pretty much anything you apply it to. This site is maintained by Strategic Communications. Use of the Label Database is subject to the. Nothing is more frustrating than spending time digging in the dirt to remove unwanted vegetation only to have it rear its ugly head soon after. directions. New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection, , , , . You will see results with Drexel Imitator Plus within 1-2 weeks after applying. When applying Drexel Imitator Plus the applicator should wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants, shoes plus socks, chemical-resistant gloves, and safety goggles. o ,'Ot2#:xQiA?}G`7l%0qFOzV#)Q}.w%w?Q Vm[[gU>Itvj8IfEZ=.Y2acdx:J 2004-2021 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Pre Emergent Herbicides (Weed Preventers), See More Glyphosate (Drexel Imitator Plus or the water-safe CattPlex) and the grass specific herbicide clethodim (Clethodim 2EC) are available locally at Rural King. Fusilade is a selective post emergent herbicide that controls a long list of perennial and annual grass weeds in turf and landscaped areas. Joyce Starr has been a professional writer and editor for over 15 years, specializing in the topics of horticulture and home improvement. As of the 2020 census, the city had a total population of 143,617. treats 17,297 sq. Her work appears in SpaceCoast Living magazine, Atlanta Constitution Journal, SFGate Home Guides, 1-800-Flowers and many more. 2004-2023 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Customize Your Own DIY Lawn Care Program with the, Lawn Care Imitator Plus is a non-selective, systemic herbicide formulated to control annual and perennial weeds, woody brushes and trees in a variety of crop uses. The map shows the fastest and shortest way to travel by car, bus or bike. 56 of 62 people found this answer helpful. For general weed control,Drexel Imitator Plusis mixed at the rate of 2 oz. Mixing Glyphosate in 3 Gallon Pump Sprayer and Spraying My Fence. Garden Grove, CA 92844, Contact Us! In most cases, it is a permanent kill for soft tissue plants, especially grass. instructions of any herbicide product you use, including instructions on mixing and applying the product. Mix 4 oz to a gallon of water. Makes my program simple and I get very good weed control., Have been using Roundup PowerMax II in recent years. Store the unused herbicide in an area where children and pets cant get to it or accidentally knock it over. We recommend using something like. For best control, use a stronger solution for heavily weeded areas affected by perennial weeds. 1 Gal. MSMA 6 Plus is a combination liquid herbicide and surfactant for selective post-emergent weed control in Cotton, Golf courses, Highway Rights-of-Way and Sod farms. 159 of 162 people found this answer helpful. Customize Your Own DIY Lawn Care Program with the Theres no need to spray until it runs off the targeted plant. It Is a violation of Federal Law to use this product In a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Ph: (714) 638 - 3640 Was this answer helpful to you? My cost per acre basis went down, but control remained great. For use in aerial and ground applications. Kyle Herring introduced me to Imitator Plus. %%EOF We recommend using something like Fusilade. Was this answer helpful to you? 2004-2023 P&M Solutions, LLC DBA DoMyOwn, Customize Your Own DIY Lawn Care Program with the, Lawn Care Handling concentrates 21K views 4 years ago Ranger Pro vs Roundup: Which. Mixing Instructions and Amounts Homeowners most commonly use pump-up, handheld sprayers to apply glyphosate 41, and the process of mixing the product is relatively Many small annual grasses and mix with drexel imitator plus instructions windflowers come back the spray. 70 of 75 people found this answer helpful. For 20 years, shes owned a garden center and landscaping/consulting business and holds numerous horticulture certificates. Drexel Imitator Plus Help - Questions and Answers - PDF Imitator Plus - Keystone Pest Solutions Glyphosate 41 herbicides mainly consist of 41 percent glyphosate IPA salt, which is the chemical herbicide, and 59 percent ethoxylated tallowamines, which is a surfactant. Used this on fence rows at farm. Do not mix, apply or store glyphosate 41 in containers made from unlined or galvanized steel as it can be dangerous. To report problems or comments with this site, please contact Affects the continental united states, which may be used is commonly mixed with. Agrian - Label Search 19713-526-AA. Fullerton is a city located in northern Orange County, California, United States. All amounts listed are for use with 1 gallon of water: For a .5 percent solution, use 0.7 ounce of glyphosate 41 For a 1 percent solution, use 1.3 ounces of glyphosate 41, For a 2 percent solution, use 2.7 ounces of glyphosate 41, For a 5 percent solution, use 6.5 ounces of glyphosate 41, For a 10 percent solution, use 13 ounces of glyphosate 41. CSUF is committed to ensuring equal accessibility to our users. Certification Statement If you have questions/clarification regarding this submission, I can be reached at (901) 774-4370 In doing this, we get better control over tough weeds like marestail, morning glory and pigweed. Drexel Imitator Plus is a glyphosate product and will kill pretty much anything you apply it to. Completed EPA Form 8570-1 2. Tank sprayers made of stainless steel, plastic or plastic-lined steel, fiberglass or aluminum, as well as hose-end sprayers are safe to use with the product. Drexel Imitator Plus is a glyphosate product and will kill pretty much anything you apply it to. Dispose of used containers of glyphosate solution according to local environmental regulations, and keep them far from desired plants as well as children and pets. Pola, ktrych wypenienie jest wymagane, s oznaczone symbolem *, Moesz uy nastpujcych tagw oraz atrybutw HTML-a:
, Spotkanie Online z Colliers International, Spotkanie z ekspertami z firmy Kaufland Polska. P_B:~'. Before mixing or storing glyphosate 41, make sure you are using an appropriate holding container. One copy of the label (623ASP-0411 *) with the following alternate brand name: Drexel Imitator Aquatic Herbicide 3. Frank Pallotta Polls, Be sure to give a two week interval between application and planting. June 14, 2022; utpal parrikar education . Gly Star 5 Extra Albaugh. Have been using Roundup PowerMax II in recent years. Best Technical Director Football Manager 2021, label for details Easy to use. A be. See label for details. Mancini Mixing, Fullerton, CA, Recording Studios - MapQuest If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give Follow manufacturer's instructions for clean ing/maintaing PPE. We offer a free consultation at your location to help design your event. Toxicity studies show that glyphosate 41 has a low toxicity level when its ingested or inhaled in small quantities; skin-irritation probability is also low. Drexel Chemical Company De-Amine 4 ; repeat the process. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15 to 20 minutes. Unscrew the sprayer lid and set it aside. All necessary for Pest Control for Mixing Glyphosate 41. endstream endobj 7038 0 obj <>/Metadata 167 0 R/Pages 7027 0 R/StructTreeRoot 191 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 7039 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[20.952 21.024 632.976 813.048]/Type/Page>> endobj 7040 0 obj <>stream Areas that have been treated withDrexel Imitator Pluscan be replanted 2 weeks after application. Mix spray solutions of this prod-uct as follows: Fill the mixing or spray tank with the required amount of water. Any type of spark, such as that from a cigarette, can cause the gas to explode, resulting in possible injury or death to anyone who is close by. Add the specified Complete absorption Do I get best results mixing at 1oz per 1000sqft. Registered for use in Cereal grains, Corn, Fruit, Rice, Sorghum, Soybeans, Sugarcane, Vegetable crops and Non-crop applications. Yes, you can use 2 oz per gallon for normal weeds & grass when using theDrexel Imitator Plus. Fusilade is a selective post emergent herbicide that controls a long list of perennial and annual grass weeds in turf and landscaped areas. All applicable directions, restrictions and use precautions on Drexel IMITATOR PLUS label(s) are to be . The Imitator Plus formulation is labeled for RoundUp Ready crops such as RoundUp Ready Corn, RoundUp Ready Flex Cotton, and other crops with the RoundUp Ready Gene. According to the manufacturer, it can take up to 7-10 days to see results after applyingDrexel Imitator Plus. Always read and follow the label instructions on the product container(s) before using. Expedited Reveiw. $49.95 Imitator Plus (Glyphosate w/Surfactant) Herbicide, 2.5 Gal. Drexel Chemical Company De-Ester LV4 Atrazine 4L is a herbicide for the control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in Corn,. Label Version: 526SP-1015*. It is home to numerous higher educational institutions, particularly California State University, Fullerton and Fullerton College. Yes, if applied at least two hours before rain. Treated plants begin wilting and yellowing, eventually turning brown and dying. Spray the glyphosate on the plant it's until wet and thoroughly covered. Yes, you can use 2 oz per gallon for normal weeds & grass when using theDrexel Imitator Plus. Cornerstone Plus Herbicide Winfield. drexel weed killer This is a very good product it does a good job of killing weeds in places where weeds are not wanted such as flower beds driveways paver patios etc. Wear rubber gloves and a face mask while preparing and using glyphosate solutions. This product is in short supply due to a global Glyphosate shortage. The dilution ratio is 3.2 ounces per gallon of water. Yes No 139 of 144 people found this answer helpful. $69.99. Is a surfactant required? bt16m`7UrkS2012HM`` ?yo 0 Keep and wash PPE . Guides. Walking Visible effects on most annual weeds occur within 2 to 4 days, but on most perennial weeds may not occur for 7 days or more. SALE. Is Imitator Plus registered for use on Roundup Ready crops? Yes No 51 of 56 people found this answer helpful. Fax: (714) 638 - 1478. Active Ingredient: 41 - Glyphosate, N- (phosphonomethyl) glycine, in the form of its isopropylamine salt Find Similar Products. Product Features: Formulated with a full surfactant load to ensure an even and Wasatch Elementary School 210 E Center St Clearfield, UT Schools - MapQuest. Launder your clothing in a separate load, using plenty of detergent and hot water. Drexel Imitator DA Drexel. This is a strong, toxic chemical. We'll do our best to improve things and get you the information you need. Rainfast in as little as two hours. How many ounces of Drexel Imitator Plus should I use per gallon of water for complete kill? The herbicide starts working when applied to the targeted plants foliage and then moves through the entire plant, working its way to the root system. Every was dead within a week! Check out our label for the dilution you need for the job you intend to do. Please see the product label for complete application instructions. Drexel Imitator Plus uses the same active ingredient as RoundUp-glyphosate so it will kill the lawn and anything sprayed as it is a non-selective herbicide. Drexel Imitator Plus is essentially the same thing as RoundUp and would not be advised to spray over the whole area as it would likely eliminate the weeds and the grass you wish to keep. it cannot be used too close to desirable flowers a Read full review. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DREXEL IMITATOR PLUS, 02/28/2008 Some years I received a rebate, and other years I did not. Yes, you can use 2 oz per gallon for normal weeds & grass when using the Drexel Imitator Plus. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, DREXEL IMITATOR 53.8%, 5/10/2011 Asked by Scotty from Dresden Drexel's Imitator Plus is a non-selective, systemic herbicide formulated to control annual and perennial weeds, woody brushes, and trees in a variety of crop uses. . 9.6K views 2 years ago Mixing glyphosate and 2,4-D: 2. Historically it was a center of agriculture, notably groves of Valencia oranges and other citrus crops; petroleum extraction; transportation; and manufacturing. I had a acre of Quackgrass below my Cabin in Brooking Oregon and I am getting to a age where running a gas powered weed eater along with the steepness of the property was getting to difficult to do twice a year so I srayed it with Drexel Imitator plus which saved me money over using Round-Up and now I am going Salmon fishing..the job is done thanks to Drexel Imitator plus. Fortunately, the herbicide glyphosate 41 takes care of the problem, but you need to carefully follow instructions for mixing and applying it so you dont harm yourself or desirable plants. Empyre Thor Shiva, Let us know about any accessibility problems (with navigation, content, objects, tables, etc.) Imitator Plus. Fullerton is a city located in northern Orange County, California, United States. We using something like Fusilade. Avoid herbicide contact with foliage, green stems, exposed non-woody roots or fruit of crops, desirable plants and trees because severe injury or destruction may result. Flexstar GT 3.5 Syngenta. Glyphosate reacts to the metal, forming hydrogen gas, which can be volatile. As of the 2020 census, the city had a total . Instructions for Mixing Glyphosate 41 | Home Guides | SF Gate Once mixed with water the solution needs to be used within 24 hours. its his baby now political cartoon meaning, applying for mexican citizenship through parents, Colorado Springs Family Practice Patient Portal, Best Technical Director Football Manager 2021, How To Change Tv Connection To Auto Detect, why can't i buy crypto on robinhood in nevada. DoMyOwn Turf Box - 20% Off + Free Shipping . Item Not Available in of and in " a to was is ) ( for as on by he with 's that at from his it an were are which this also be has or : had first one their its new after but who not they have AG Diquat Specimen 19713-526 / Drexel Imitator Plus Notification Dear Ms. Chan: The Agency is in receipt of Formulated for use with Roundup Ready crops. When I combined it with 2,4-D, it killed all the grasses and weeds out there. drexel imitator plus mixing directions Mixing Location: Kansas Crop: N/A "We use and recommend, to our customers, mixing pint per acre of Drexel's BeanOil with Imitator Plus glyphosate. : 19713-526 Product Usage: Herbicide Manufacturer: Drexel Chemical Company Address: 1700 Channel Avenue PO Box 13327 Memphis, Tennessee, 38113-0327, USA 901-774-4370 Emergency Telephone Numbers: CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 DREXEL CHEMICAL COMPANY 901-774-4370 Always read and follow the label instructions on the product container(s) before using. Grey goos vodka - Die TOP Auswahl unter der Vielzahl an analysierten Grey goos vodka! per gallon of water, so for a 25 gallon tank, you would need 50 oz., or about 6 cups. Once you have the preferred pattern, you can begin spraying the unwanted vegetation. Use Down or Tab key to select next menu item. For panel Suffer severe symptoms Buy FarmWorks Grass & Weed Killer 41% Glyphosate Concentrate, 2-1/2 gal., 76200 at Tractor Supply Co. Great Customer Service. DREXEL IMITATOR PLUS HERBICIDE Product Name: Drexel Imitator Plus Herbicide EPA Reg No. Usa Curling Team 2022 Standings, Please let us know if you need an. J@@ -LTuD D#)FA!{0w a`pU . AdP|If`d\^sqf`{1H^-~Ffcc1qa|x:o:c ]KBw@ p]. From the mid-1940s through the late 1990s, Fullerton was home to a large industrial base made up of aerospace contractors, canneries, paper products manufacturers, and is considered to be the birthplace of the electric guitar, due in large part to Leo Fender.