But, and as you just said, as long as you keep moving around and talking about it from the perspective of Louis XVI and then from the perspective of Robespierre, and from the perspective of Lafayette, you can cover most of your bases. Mike Duncan, the creator of Revolutions - a political history podcast - had the following thought-provoking answers to my questions. But that was not actually the question, and I do understand that. The people from Florida are going to be in settlement zones in 50 years. Send a Message. We're sorry about this, but inflation has hit production costs. I also got really into the Russian Revolution, and it was one of the first time periods that I really honed in on and fell in love with. And Charles I, and soon to be Nicholas. Hey Bird Feed, this is Lyta Gold, your amusements and managing editor. I think that there are two ways that we can approach this as human beings. Probably the greatest meme that I have seen going around in the last year or two is Moe throwing Barney out of the bar. Mikes next project is leading us all in the glorious revolution. And if youre going to study Cicero and Seneca, you have got to learn about the Roman Empire. The hero of this drama plays starring public roles in the American . So, when I came out of school, what turned out being the thing that I most wanted to keep going with was the history part of it. Sure. As you said, the Twitter speculation is like, is Mike Duncan a liberal or a leftist? Current Affairss all-new Single Issue page is coming soon. We did it! Many, many people do not. My answer to that is: having done Revolutions, it makes me want to go back and get a masters degree in finance with a particular interest in the history of banking. And so it comes down to both: how confident people are in the regimes future ability to pay back these debts, and then also, is there a clique of bankers who think that they can use this to their advantage? Published: PublicAffairs - September 6th, 2022. Few people have done more to make history interesting and accessible to the layperson as Mike Duncan. Theyre not all going to decide everything. We really appreciate you joining us, though, and going to these dark places with us. The 80's Revolution. As you know, Capitalism In Crisis focuses on the past, on the causes of the crisis. I mean it also makes it, I do not know, maybe Lyta you can weigh in on this too. Dismiss. They did with the commune. I dont even have my metaphors worked out right. No, the point being is that in Hong Kong, in ChileIm here in Paris, and we have the gilets jaunes thing that just came throughthere are mass protests, there are people staging revolutionary challenges, there are disaffected elites who would like to see various regimes overthrown and are happy to finance and underwrite various challenges to various regimes. Duncan also collaborates with illustrator Jason Novak on informative cartoons that humorously explain the historical context for . There have been a lot of episodes, to be fair to you. it might be the only solution, which we have written an article about in Current Affairs. Mike Duncan expertly weaves the story of some of history's greatest events into a fun easy listen. The 1970s effected a revolution in Lovecraft scholarship, and 122.4K Followers. Oct. 4 San Francisco @ Palace of Fine Arts. The Mexican Revolution. That is one thing that I do thinkbecause I do keep this in the forefront of my mindthe people in history dont know how its going to turn out. Oh, I love the Oregon Trail. That is it, were in post-racial America. If youre going to study Machiavelli, you have got to study the Roman Empire. Mexico. Stick to Facebook. The word revolution means coming full circle, so it seems like the best way to begin the end. I do like what Marx said: that history is made by men, but they do not decideI botched the quotebut they do not decide the circumstances within which they make their history. There is something that you really need in terms of historical perspective. Im joined by Sparky Abraham, our finance editor. The podcast is divided into seasons, with each season focusing on a particular revolution. And I would be thrilled, just thrilled, to look back at all of this and be like, God, you were really depressed, werent you?. One of the things getting back to what I think my purpose here is, what my role is as a popularizer of history, is if you take the French Revolution, people say, Oh, yeah. I do believe that there will continue to be revolutionary upheavals for the foreseeable future, for the next couple hundred years. I think that one of the other great fears, which is entirely legitimate on top of climate change, is that weve been pumping ourselves full of antibiotics for the last 50 years. I kept wanting to teach myself about the who, what, and when of history because I had spent so much on the theory part of it. Because you can talk about non-climate change division history unfolding as it does. But what I do know is that it has far less to do with out-and-out debt or the size of the debt or what kind of deficits you are running, as it does with confidence in the regime. After 10 years of dedicating his life to audio storytelling, historical podcaster and soon-to-be published author Mike Duncan discusses the American Revolution, those written out of history, and whether the United States is the new Roman Republic. And also, it plays interestingly into this modern monetary theory debate that are going on rightwhich, of course, is about what it means for the United States to have debt as a sovereign, which is of course a very different situation from what it meant for the king of France to have debt as sovereign. Revolutions of 1848 8. Our gorgeous fall edition! EEcav 6 mo. Revolutions Mike Duncan History 4.8 12.3K Ratings; A weekly podcasting exploring great political revolutions. New Revolutions Tour coming in June 2014! I mean, people should also learn music, and people should also learn about art, and there are many things people should learn about. George W. Bush. 25. Mike Duncan's Revolutions podcast . And that has been going on for, lets say, 500 years. 4.8. WALTER BENJAMIN'S RELIGIOUS LANDSCAPE | Brian Britt. New Spain. Here's something I am very excited about: the Revolutions Podcast. If you were to try to do a season on the French Revolution in the 1860s, it wouldnt have worked. Were not even getting close to that. ago. I listen to podcasts when I do dishes. filed 27 February 2021 in Interviews. Media. Its amazing. SHOW ALL. It starts from the English Revolution, and has gotten as far as the Russian Revolutionbut we did the French one on the way, Haitian, Mexican, the whole thing. Thats crazy. But theres also the case that these revolutions take a long time. Why is this person behaving the way that they are behaving? But I think, in any case, this is bad news. Or have larger social structures changed too much to really have them anymore? I will probably be cagey about my own political beliefs. Ch*ngona Revolution. An excellent way to demonstrate to passersby that you are an individual of unusually well-cultivated taste. BookPage "Mike Duncan's excellent, well-researched book portrays Lafayette's extraordinary life as a fascinating, transatlantic drama with three great revolutions and transitional interludes that carry the reader through seven explosive decades of historical change. Haha, I can tell. Alright. Few people have done more to make history interesting and accessible to the layperson as Mike Duncan. And if you talk to geologists or you talk to physicists, its like no time at all, its a little sliver of a fingernail. So, when I talk about this stuff, I often talk about what future historians are going to say about such and such an event. When youre dealing with the Roman Empire, and youre dealing with the sources from the Roman Empire, Im constantly talking about history about kings, emperors, and popes. William Clark. Mike Duncan, a fish monger turned wildly popular history podcaster, wrote about Lafayette's story in his new book, "Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution." He . We have got to be water. Or a bullshit artist who is really just looking to sell you razors, and Im just a hoax? If youre into, again, small d democracy, or youre a small d democratic individual, which I consider myself to be, the degree to which the Republican Party is embracing anti-democratic talking points is really, really, really, something. Let us begin with Carl Heneghan, who clearly states he is an Unlisted Author for Conly's Cochrane Study: We included 11 new RCTs and clusterRCTs (610,872 participants) in this update, bringing the total number of RCTs to 78. And I think youve maintained your veil on that. Its not an issue of where I am in the org chart, its a completely different set of people. How do you deal with this? Haitian Revolution 5. I know that I am really going out on a limb here. See, obviously I havent even written it. 9.02. Celebrating the magazine's eighth year! Revolutions takes deep dives into the world's most momentous political revolutions, from Mexico to Russia and beyond. And the idea too was that it would be a shorter project than The History of Rome, because each one of these would be 12 or 15 episodes long, and then it would be about three years is how long I had mapped it out now. But then if you actually start poking them a little bit about the details of what actually happened during the French Revolution, who did what when, that is a part that starts to get real fuzzy for people. So again, I think that its not a matter of ever believing that you can step away from yourself or step away from history to create something thats objective, but you can bounce around enough. I think its important, even though were the hopeful leftist podcast, to be realistic about the challenges that we face. Michael William Duncan is an American political history podcaster and author. "Highly recommend Revolutions by Mike Duncan, especially Season 10", Musk tweeted. No, no. And theres a lot of truth to that, but that doesnt mean things are just going to Pollyanna is the one who doesnt think anything is going to go wrong, right? Anything could happen at any time, and we have no ability to predict it. Thats something that popped up with The History of Rome when I got started. A year later, Mike launched another podcast Revolutions. Thats a nice prescriptive statement. As a historical researcher he's come a long way over the course of Revolutions, never mind History of Rome. Another aspect of this is the period of time in which these events are happening is relatively short in terms of human history. Im a , whatever, an elder millennial of the Oregon Trail generation. Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution (Paperback) By Mike Duncan. 9,475 ratings. To have an idea of the kinds of events and personalities and trends that have happened before us. Having said that, Im never going to be able to avoid my own bias, and its clear who I can be sympathetic to and who I am notI am not sympathetic to Metternich, for example. It just restarted something that has been an ongoing conflict in American history since the very beginning. And so that is how I wound up carrying it forward. Was I successfully cagey about my political opinions? Oct. 26 Boston @ The Wilbur. I think it was 1794 or 1795, when there was this pause in the middle of this conflagration that was the Haitian Revolution, and there were five different ways that it could have gone. But I do think that there is an alternative. The following transcript of their conversation has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity. His ongoing series, Revolutions, explores the great political revolutions driving the course of modern history. . From the start of the United States, there was a tension between liberty and slavery. And as long as you can stick to trying to explain each persons motivations from their own perspective, then I think you can listen to it without being like, Oh, this just Marxist analysis, or, Hes just some reactionary scumbag who is trying to say that Robespierre was the devil.. I would like to say for the record that I think it is happening, and that I think that humans did it. Well, thats the funny thing about being in the middle of a historical eventyou have no idea how its going to turn out. Stage West at the Duncan Theatre; Michael All Movies; 2019 Oscar Nominated Shorts - Animation . Because Im coming out of this, Im a white guy from Seattle, Washington in the 21st century, so the society that I grew up with is going to inform my worldview on all those fronts. For tickets to the October dates: Oct. 3 Austin TX @ Paramount Theater. Its Mike Duncan whos joining us. Upgrade to receive a signed paperback copy of "Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution" by Mike Duncan! Grey History: The French Revolution & Napoleon. Email: tours@revolutionspodcast.com. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world and author of the New York Times-bestselling book, The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic. Spanish American wars of independence 6. Im Mr. The . I feel like this is just a universal fact of life. His story of the Russian revolution has stopped at 1905, and the events between 1905 and 1917 will only be covered after the book is complete. The false promise of billionaire space plans, the dangers of natural law, the politics of Dr. Phil's show, the history of Stalin's atrocities.plus a delightful assortment of amusements, from the Intergalactic Zoo to behind the scenes at Fox News! See More by this Creator. Our very best yet, with writing about AI, the joys of doing your own repairs, the evils of corporate language, and more. The shifts happened because, We used to be able to grow wheat here, and we cant grow wheat here anymore. There are diseases that start getting introduced into this. Sparky Abraham is the finance editor, a position he attained by way of nepotism. Its a chunk, but not an enormous amount. When the British started taxing themselves in the latter 1600s, suddenly their tax tripled after they came out of the Stuart dynasty. Again, extremely interested in reading that. 76.5M . Paris Commune 9 . A Current Affairs subscription is one of the best known ways to improve your life in a hurry. It happened in Prussia, it happened in France, it happened down in Italy. Wherever we are, we are going to be a people. This is happening in France, this is happening everywhere. I mean, this is Auschwitz stuff, this is On War stuff. I found the "Hero of Two Worlds" to be an interesting lens to view the events of the American and French Revolutions. Economist Michael Hudson has published a new, third edition of his book Super Imperialism that updates his analysis for the 21st century, discussing the new cold war on China and Russia and the ongoing transition from a US dollar-dominated financialized system to a "multipolar de-dollarized economy." The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton . Today, I would like to let you all know that I am working on a new course that will explain the present: How The Economy Really Works Now. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world and author of the New York Times-bestselling books, Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution and The . Instead, he loomed large on the world stage for decades after the war, and history podcaster Duncan does a fine job of filling out his subject's life. McGahee Lesson 36 Revolutions. Its not universally true, but its often very siloed from popular education, and its these very little JSTOR articles about a very specific topic and that kind of thing. So, thats the question. Its interesting to talk about debt because we just had, in 2008, a large, sudden debt crisis. Mike Duncan's been around for a while. I have got to get everything out of me before the flood waters come open and swamp us, and we get picked up by the monks of Leibowitz. But I do believe that human agency does play a role in history. Most of the time, when youre talking about if a revolution from below succeeds or doesnt succeed, it has very little to do with whether or not the sovereign can bring full force to bear. Carl Heneghan (@carlheneghan) January 30, 2023. NoTengoBiblioteca 6 mo. You do mass surveys with the kids who are 14, 15, 16 years old and theyre baffled about homophobia, about racism, about trans issues, about immigration issues. But its a worthwhile question: are revolutions in the future going to look like revolutions in the past? Revolutions. I know the French Revolution. I mean its really difficult to justify the Senate. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. People like us will be sitting there like, Why is Stephen Miller good now? He is not good now. American Revolution 3. A lot of that is being driven from the populist right rather than the working class left. But somebody who knows more can correct me on Twitter, Im sure. The basic thesis of that is four case studies about how mistakes lead to history unfolding the way that it does, far more than just some brilliant work of a genius. 3. Okay. This button displays the currently selected search type. Mike Duncan is one of the most popular history podcasters in the world and author of the New York Times-bestselling books The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic and Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution.His award-winning series, The History of Rome, remains a legendary landmark in the history of podcasting. Its all of the piece. After the Revolution. You can listen to a podcast while youre driving your car. My answer, of course, to have we reached the end of history? is no. I mean, probably my favorite season so far is the Mexican Revolution season, and one of my favorite parts of that is that I had the sense, Oh, I know about the Mexican Revolution. I have the people who I understand as being important and who I agree with or disagree with. ago. And certainly nobody knew it at the time. Over time the background and stage setting Duncan offers have gotten much more extensive; the season on the Russian Revolution goes for 53 episodes . You can listen to it while youre doing chores. Especially if you say that what we understand as revolution, the archetypical picture that you have in your head of what a revolution looks like, really gets going after what we would consider to be the Renaissance. The nightmare gripping Ken Middleton's family appeared to be possibly over in 2005. When, in point of fact, the French Revolution was something that went on for 10 or 15 years, depending on where you want to mark the beginning and the end. Its one of the major drivers if youre talking about groups of individuals who are ready to steamroll over what we would consider to be the legitimate state apparatus of any given statethe people who are looking to just throw it all overboard to install their own vision of what a state ought to look like. Yeah, all of our extremely right-wing climate change-denying Current Affairs listeners. So, its not so much about removing your opponents abilityand this is true in war and in revolutionits not so much about the sovereign that is going to be overthrown or not overthrown, its not about whether or not they can marshal forces to napalm an entire city, its whether or not they are going to do it. Im going to have a lot of time on my hands after Revolutions, and at some point I dont know exactly what I am going to do with myself. 9.03. I do think the modern Republican Party should be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Youre not going to say abolish the Senate, but well say abolish the Senate. So, to your point, I think when we look around at what is happening these days, it is impossible to ever plant your flag on something and say, Oh, well that was the end of that, or This is the beginning of that. I think that we, in our own timesI speak even as a historian who has some experience with looking for places to plant flags and dividesay, Oh, this is when it started, and this is when it ended, and this epoch divides from this epoch. Even in the modern world, we have no ability to figure that stuff out. No, it was just a huge, unfolding series of accidents that people then were able to hop on board with and steer certain ways for a certain amount of time. By australiantiger. They dont even speak the same language. Browse Mike Duncan's best-selling audiobooks and newest titles. I do care about debt, that is true. And you know, we want our Supreme Court seats too, but. The first question I want to start with is: why did you pick revolutions as a topic? The Storm Before the Storm by Mike Duncan. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Americans for Public Trust. And its fantastic. But this idea that we can just hunker down behind walls and hope for the best is, I think, at best, so horrifyingly bad. So what Im hoping to provide here is that narrative of who and what and when. Certainly interested to read it when its done. I believe that its a good thing for society, for people, for citizens, to know as much history as possible. And then my concentration for political science was political theory. So, those things can and do happen in human history. Even predicting the Silicon Valley bubble is going to burst at any point, and then it could be this huge problem. A self-described "complete history geek", his love for history grew from an interest in ancient civilizations as a child, with a particular affinity for Roman history. Alec McGahee. What was going on with Louis XVIand also what was going on, for example, with Charles I in England when he went off and started the Bishops Waris that the guys who had the money realized that they could use this to leverage the monarchy to their own personal, political advantage.