After Dobby was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, Luna closed his eyes, to make him "seem like he was sleeping". Luna seemed to have enjoyed artistic pursuits in her free time; her house was filled with various things that she painted. [5] Luna believed anything her father wrote in The Quibbler magazine, and came to his defence when Hermione Granger claimed the magazine was "rubbish". Luna was holding another edition of the Quibbler, which she told Harry was going strong because of his interview. [13] Ginny was also one of the five portraits along with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville that Luna painted and hung from her bedroom ceiling, with the word "friends" joining them together in gold writing. She told the students to raise their wands but not to attack, as they were, from the creatures' perspective, intruders who were attempting to steal their dinner. [6], Towards Christmas, Luna comforted Hermione Granger after Ron Weasley mocked her in Transfiguration and Hermione ran into the girl's bathroom in tears. Harry asked her and Hermione to watch Snape's office, which they did, but Snape told them that Death Eaters were in the castle and that they had to look after Professor Flitwick, whom he claimed had collapsed. Severus Snape had also been appointed headmaster and Death Eaters Alecto and Amycus Carrow professors. . This drew attention from a few onlookers, as it was a very bizarre sight. Luna liked Dobby the house-elf, who came to rescue her from Malfoy Manor. Luna's Patronus is revealed to be a Hare, this is later confirmed to be canon in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Although many thought Luna was bizarre, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas and Ollivander eventually became very fond of her. (HBP19), I could hear the match commentary from here, said Ron, his voice now shaking with laughter. members, students, as well as her professors and helped hold back Voldemort's army of Death Eaters and Dark creatures. Luna had met other members of Dumbledore's Army; there were Padma Patil, Cho Chang, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner, and Marietta Edgecombe from her house (all of them fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, except Marietta), Hannah Abbott, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Susan Bones, and Zacharias Smith from Hufflepuff (it is possible that all of them fought at the Battle of Hogwarts, except Zacharias), and Fred and George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Lavender Brown, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan, Parvati Patil, Padma's twin sister and Colin and Dennis Creevey from Gryffindor. She explained further about the Runespoor-poisoning, mentioning how the Thunderbird could've been killed if it had been more severe, and inspired the student to use Episkey to mend the broken wings and the Murtlap Essence to treat the abrasions. 13 February 1981) was a witch and the only child and daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. In an effort to make people believe Harry's story, Hermione arranged an interview for him with Rita Skeeter at the Three Broomsticks Luna accompanied them so as to persuade her father to publish the interview in The Quibbler. Luna and Neville Longbottom, a Gryffindor student, first met on the Hogwarts Express, in 1995. During the 19971998 school year, Luna and Hagrid both acted in opposition to the Death Eaters' regime at Hogwarts, and Luna, along with Ginny and Neville, once served detention with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest when they were caught by Snape. Luna is a quirky fourth year Ravenclaw student. [13] She even painted very life-like portraits of her friends that seemed to breathe. And then a silver hare, a boar, and a fox soared past Harry, Ron, and Hermione's heads: The dementors fell back before the creatures' approach. But it's a different concept of magic to the one laid out in the books, so I don't really see how they can co-exist. She also met Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour when she stayed for a few weeks at their house, Shell Cottage. J. K. Rowling has said that the character of Luna took her by surprise, but that she was very fun to write, and contrasted her with Hermione Granger: "She's slightly out of step in many ways but she's the anti-Hermione. Unaware of the destination, the students speculated where they were headed. members if they were familiar with an item that had once belonged to their house founder, Luna mentioned the lost diadem. Some people call me Loony Lovegood, actually. (OP38), Oh, no, she said, smiling at him. A loyal friend and a true Ravenclaw. But they might give her back to me if I-If I help; I must save Luna. After they both escaped, Ollivander, who had grown quite fond of Luna, made her a new wand. Dean still seemed rather bemused at some of the odd things Luna said at times, but did not ridicule her and was seen helping her in the Room of Requirement just before the Battle of Hogwarts. members were almost untouchable, and all survived the battle unscathed except Neville, who was injured but soon recovered. After the failed ambush Xeno was taken to Azkaban prison for the remainder of the war. But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack!, Yeah, but the lost diadem," said Michael Corner, rolling his eyes, "is, I don't think you should be an Auror, Harry," said Luna unexpectedly. Loser's Lurgy is not proven to exist, but it was true that when Smith lost in Quidditch he thus acted accordingly. Ron eventually grew fonder of Luna, marking her as his good friend, after getting to know her better through Dumbledore's Army and her being one of the only D.A. Actress: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Evanna Lynch, AKA Luna Lovegood, Is A Babe Now - HuffPost Some theories she believed in included: Sirius Black being Stubby Boardman, that Rufus Scrimgeour was a vampire, that the Aurors were part of the Rotfang Conspiracy to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using Dark magic and gum disease, that the Tutshill Tornados were top of the league by a combination of bewitched brooms and torture, that Cornelius Fudge ordered goblins to be made into pies, drowned, or assassinated in other various ways, had an army of Heliopaths, and used the Department of Mysteries to develop terrible poisons to feed to anyone who disagreed with him. Luna was wearing what looked like a pair of orange radishes for earrings, a fact that Parvati and Lavender seemed to have noticed, as they were both giggling and pointing at her earlobes. Add your own. Luna Lovegood - Harry Potter Lexicon [15][16][21], Luna married fellow naturalist Rolf Scamander, grandson of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them author Newt Scamander, considerably later in life than Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny, who all married and started families in their early-to-mid twenties. The student found it hard to believe that one could travel to the moon on a broomstick, but Luna thought nothing was impossible with magic and suggested wearing Dirigible Plum earrings to be able to more easily accept the extraordinary. The group was soon ambushed by twelve Death Eaters.[5]. While there, she conversed with multiple people, and took an interest in Sanguini, a vampire guest. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Luna is seen barefoot throughout the film because students had stolen her shoes. She informed them that a second egg had been damaged, and without care from its unwilling mother, it might never hatch. Luna Lovegood short monologue (reupload) - YouTube The couple also had twin sons named Lorcan and Lysander. . My fathers the editor.I oh, said Hermione, looking embarrassed. "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," said Luna in a sing-song voice. Indeed, Ginny insisted Luna to guide Harry into Ravenclaw Tower over Cho Chang, confidently trusting her to not incite any clash of romance as Cho might have. Her mother accidentally died while experimenting with spells when Luna was nine and thus Luna was raised by her father, editor of the magazine The Quibbler, in a rook-like house near the village of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon. [7], The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone knew that. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixLuna's perspective on her mother's death, showing her belief in the Afterlife. I was nine.Im sorry, Harry mumbled.Yes, it was rather horrible, said Luna conversationally. Many found Luna's commentary amusing, as Luna forgot players' names and went off on tangents such as speculating that Smith, who was unable to maintain procession of the Quaffle for longer than a minute, was suffering from "Loser's Lurgy", or saying how a cloud was interestingly shaped. 13 February 1981)[1] was a witch and the only child and daughter of Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood. Wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure, said Luna in a sing-song voice. She regained focus just before the end of the battle and survived relatively unscathed. I cannot lose Luna. She took Harry to the Ravenclaw common room, answering the riddle "What came first, the Phoenix or the flame?" When given the choice, she joined the battle rather than evacuating with the younger students. Although Luna Lovegood wasn't a part of the core group of wizarding world heroes that consisted of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, she was still a close friend to the golden trio and an essential part of the fight against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Luna asked Robyn Thistlethwaite and Kevin Farrell to return Borklump to Hagrid, and continued with the unidentified student. Everybody looked at her. Luna Lovegood - Wikipedia [13] Luna also grew close with many of the other D.A. That was noisier than I thought it would be.Luna after having non-verbally stunned Alecto Carrow, They took my Luna because of what I've been writing. [15][22][23] According to Rita Skeeter, Luna wore a wedding dress decorated with rainbows and spangles, and a tiara of silver unicorn horns, which her husband supposedly looked at with a shocked expression. Anyway why arent you at the feast? (OP38), Harry: Have you he began. Hermione's so logical and inflexible in so many ways and Luna is likely to believe ten impossible things before breakfast. The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone knew that. The student regretted trusting Qui and vowed to bring the egg back, which reminded Luna of someone she knew that was also dedicated to finding the truth. In the movies, Luna is referred to as "Loony Lovegood," and is mocked for what her fellow students perceive as strange interests death, thestrals, and Wrackspurts, to name a few. She also contacted a friend living nearby that had access to phoenixes, and requested for some of their tears to heal the Thunderbird. Luna doesn't seem to be one of the most hated characters in the series. She stood side-by-side with fellow D.A. Harry "found that the terrible weight in his stomach seemed to have lessened slightly".[5]. The point is: Luna's art may have been an acquired taste, but she always kept up her extra-curricular activities, and so should you. It's so unfair that you had to die, when you were so good and so brave. She is actually in Dumbledore's Army, and I know that you can guess what that is. Luna was able to instantly recognise Harry Potter, who was disguised as a Weasley cousin by use of Polyjuice Potion, by only his expression. Evanna Lynch, AKA Luna Lovegood, Is A Babe Now We are *totally* under her spell. (OP13), You can laugh! Luna said, her voice rising, apparently under the impression that Parvati and Lavender were laughing at what she had said rather than what she was wearing.But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack! (OP13), D you mind not offending the only people who believe me? Harry asked Hermione as they made their way into class.Oh, for heavens sake, Harry, you can do better than her, said Hermione. Later, she found the unidentified student unconscious not far from the camp, and when they awoke, she asked them about how they survived. All of Dumbledore's Army was reassembled and prepared to fight. Cassandra then admitted that she agreed with her, and Luna left to see a friend. January 29th, 2020. Luna is the only one of Harry's close school friends who is not a fellow Gryffindor. She doesn't try to fit in or change herself, she just remains her kooky, kind self. It is unknown what Luna did after Harry, Ron and Hermione left Shell Cottage in order to break into Gringotts Wizarding Bank, but she returned to Hogwarts in May when Neville signalled her as to the trio's return. They're working to bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a mixture of dark magic and gum disease." J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (OP10), That was funny!Her prominent eyes swam with tears as she gasped for breath, staring at Ron. Warner Bros. Luna Lovegood was a memorable "Harry Potter" character in the books and movies. Luna was also intelligent and unusually perceptive, having been sorted into Ravenclaw[5] "where those of wit and learning will always find their kind". with "A circle has no beginning." (DEMENTOR EXITS with a cry of pain clutching its face. She followed her sighting of a tail and discovered Borklump being stranded amidst spider webs and trying to free himself. It was just that I wanted to pack tonight. I think they think Im a bit odd, you know. Luna and Ginny stood guard while Harry and Hermione snuck into Professor Umbridge's office, to use the fireplace to try to contact Sirius, while Ron attempted to distract Umbridge. The Manticore mother appeared in a clearing and attempted to attack them, and they defended themselves against her. Five Death Eaters were surging into the room through the door she had not reached in time; Luna hit a desk, slid over its surface and onto the floor on the other side where she lay sprawled, as still as Hermione.