This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. 8. Of the three services, the air force fared best in this respect, as it had always done. Registration Criteria:Divorce is permitted on various grounds, including: mental illness; disabilities interfering with conjugal relations; husbands inability or unwillingness to provide financial support; husbands bad behavior; husbands incurable disease constituting risk to the wife; husbands desertion; husbands conviction for a dishonorable crime; husbands infertility or contraction of a sexually transmitted disease; polygamy without consent; and other circumstances where continuation of marriage constitutes proven difficulty or hardship for wife. Please contact the consular sections in Bern and Vienna for additional details on the application process. 2014). This fee is in addition to the nonimmigrant visa application fee (MRV fee). Visa Classification: The type of nonimmigrant visa you are applying for. They could be prevented from holding a driver's license, running for elective office, registering property ownership, being put on the government payroll, or receiving a passport, in addition to being forced to pay fines and/or receive jail sentences. IranSource provides a holistic look at Irans internal dynamics, global and regional policies, and posture through unique analysis of current events and long-term, strategic issues related to Iran. General Kamali reportedly added that "for those who live outside of the country, the option of paying off military service had been cancelled earlier this year. "Iran May Cut Mandatory Military Service." When major global news breaks, the Atlantic Councils experts have you covereddelivering their sharpest rapid insight and forward-looking analysis direct to your inbox. Sources state that people who refuse military service cannot get a passport (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Form#104 for granting permission to exit once . Police records are not required for immigrant visa applicants because posts cannot verify them. About 3,800,000 men entered the Army during 1942, through inductions and enlistments. In addition, an applicant is eligible for an exemption from the MRV fee if he or she is participating in a State Department, USAID, or other federally funded educational and cultural exchange program (program serial numbers G-1, G-2, G-3 and G-7). 2023 Atlantic Council Procedure for Obtaining: For children receiving their first birth certificate, one of the parents or a paternal grandparent must be present and produce a report of the childs birth from the hospital, along with the parents birth certificates. By According to the US CIA World Factbook, recruitment age for the Law Enforcement Forces is 17 (ibid.). In July 2009 the Iranian parliament (Majlis) passed a new bill to cut military service in the country by 2 to 10 months for conscripts with university degrees, Iranian Press TV reported on 30 June 2009. Charles Recknagel. "Iran's Basij: Membership in a Militant Islamist Organization." Follow him on Twitter@Azodiac83. With the 1979 with drawal of foreign military and civilian advisers, particularly from the United States and Pakistan, the operation, maintenance, and logistical functioning of armed forces' equipment was hampered by a critical shortage of skilled manpower. 19 June 2013. (Iran n.d.b). Since the beginning of 1986, women had also been en couraged to receive military training, and women were actually serving in special Pasdaran units as of late 1987. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States. Q-2 (principal) and Q-3 (dependent) visa categories are in existence as a result of the 'Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Act of 1998'. Iranian subjects who live abroad in case of having the following conditions, by paying 10 million Toman can benefit from military services exemption against cash payment. New military ID cards list the subsection of the law dictating their exemption on their ID cards, which identifies them as gay or transgender and puts them at risk of physical danger and general discrimination. There are limited exemptions available but the option to buy out of military service has been reintroduced for some people. 2012), while the US CIA World Factbook states that volunteers start at 16 (US 26 Feb. 2014). Please find below the list of sources consulted in researching this Information Request. Out of the manpower pool of registrants about 17,000,000 available at that time, over 10,000,000 were drafted [the total number who served was over 16,000,000, as younger men became of draft age]. General Musa Kamali, the Vice Commander of the Headquarters for Human Resources of the Iranian Armed Forces, was quoted as saying that "the duration of military service is 18 months in combat and in insecure regions, 19 months in the regions which are deprived of facilities and have bad weather conditions, 21 months in other places, and 24 months in government offices" ( Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA), 26 December 2013). In the United States by the year 2018, obesity was among other shortcomings such as physical fitness deficiencies and lack of a high school diploma that disqualified about 70% of 17-to-24-year-olds from serving. On Conversion to Christianity, Issues Concerning Kurds and Post-2009 Election Protestors As Well As Legal Issues and Exit Procedures. Types Available (Regular, Diplomatic, Official, etc. Thousands of Iranians attend a funeral for 150 Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) unknown Martyrs that have found by the Iranian Martyrs investigation group in the war main field 34-years after a ceasefire between Iran and Iraq in 1988. Men who were exempted before 1990 may not have been issued a card explaining why they were exempt. "Iran Cuts Military Service Term." "Iran." OFFICIAL TRANSLATION FROM PERSIAN Emblem Police Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran MILITARY SERVICE EXEMPTION CARD This card is valid only for peace period Scanned photo of the Holder National ID No. Validity Period: This generally means the visa is valid, or can be used, from the date it is issued until the date it expires, for travel with that visa. Revolutionary leaders repeatedly declared that Iran could establish an army of 20 million to defend the country against foreign aggression. Alireza's military service exemption card made it plain that he was homosexual On Tuesday, May 4, a young ethnic Arab man in Ahvaz was murdered because of his sexual orientation. [Accessed 24 Mar. Registration Criteria:A notary public (daftar-e asnad-e rasmi) registers divorces and marriages for Muslims and those who practice recognized minority religions (Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism). I am wondering if the military record is a requirement docume. The first is an ecclesiastical marriage certificate issued by the local spiritual assembly a booklet with the signatures of the couple, the person officiating the ceremony, and nine witnesses. Alireza Heidary Roushi, Mitra Mahdavi-Mazdeh, Mahnaz Zamyadi. In the case of the IRGC, a clean-shaven face could result in three days of extra service time, as I was told by a number of friends who were drafted by the IRGC. 2014], Press TV. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Iran does not recognize the Bahai'i faith as a minority religion, thus the documentation of such marriages differs from Islamic marriages or marriages of other religious minorities. Although translations tend to be accurate, it is recommended that both the translation and the original card are reviewed. The Iranian and Iraqi "TD" is no fee with one entry over a period of 3 months. Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. Those living outside of Iran may apply for the card by submitting a special form to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2014], "Shamsi to Gregorian Converter." December 2010. Embassy in the Hague. ! While Iranian law considers them to be legitimate children, issues could arise concerning parental consent. 30 June 2013. 7 Nov. 2013). [Accessed 28 Mar. Aligning the text of the Luxury Goods Sanctions at EAR 746.10 with the . The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook indicates that the military branches in Iran in 2011 consisted of the, Islamic Republic of Iran Regular Forces (Artesh): Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force (IRIAF), Khatemolanbia Air Defense Headquarters; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enqelab-e Eslami, IRGC): Ground Resistance Forces, Navy, Aerospace Force, Quds Force (special operations); Law Enforcement Forces. The first compulsory military service bill was passed ninety-six years ago, during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi. 26 February 2014. Iranian / Dutch B2 tourist visa refused because of no military card / no military exemption card ! Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information provided, please contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate where you plan to apply if you believe this information is in error or if you have further questions. IranSource Comments:The national ID card is not accepted in lieu of the Birth Certificate document. [Accessed 14 Mar. N.d. "About Press TV." If you are exempt from the service please provide a copy and certified English translation of your military service exemption card. What used to be a shadow war of covert operations, sabotage, and proxy conflict is turning into a more direct military confrontation between the long-time regional adversaries. [Accessed 28 Mar. Exceptions:Copies of certificates containing the Bureaus authentication of the notarys signature can be obtained if the name and number of the notary registering the marriage or divorce are known. (Factiva), _____. Denying so many young men the chance to pursue their dreams for crimes they didnt commit deprives the United States of their potential contribution and is at odds with the ideals on which the United States was founded. If the parents marriage is not registered, both must be present to sign the document. Further information about payment in lieu of compulsory military service could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. According to the IFOR Main Representative to the UN, in Iran, "persons who are unwilling to perform military service, for whatever reason, are either recruited against their will or seek to escape or evade recruitment" (18 Mar.