The Treaty of Nanking forced the Chinese to cede Hong Kong to British control, opened up five treaty ports for trade, and required the payment of reparations. The Open Door Policy arguably allowed China to remain an independent country and saved it from being taken over. Stop procrastinating with our study reminders. Sino-American relations were not always good. Beijing: Renmin Chubanshe, 2001. China was a very weak country around 1900. Conquering the north, the court of Kublai Khan willingly undertook sinicization to become accepted by the Chinese people. Extensive unannotated bibliography of Chinese sources; shorter listings of Japanese and Western sources. Theencroachment of Western powers into Asia had a profound impact on China. Naturally, the British were not about to let this happen, and to maintain the opium trade, they resorted to a form of intimidation called 'gunboat diplomacy.' What did Confucius say to his students when he returned from seeing Lao-Tzu? It is topical and event driven; it mainly focuses on painting a picture of the past rather than analyzing the conceptual forces such as nationalism or economic theories. This statue sits in Humen, a battle site in the first Opium War, where the Opium War Museum is now located. Grown in the British colony of India, and exported to China by the East India Company, opium quickly became a much-desired product. George Macartney, a British agent, was first sent to China to attempt to negotiate the opening of its ports. Again, the British won and forced a second humiliating treaty upon the Chinese. 10 (Late Ching 18001911, Part 1), 1978; Vol. 1329 Words6 Pages. Like most young kids, I suspect you engaged in trading from time to time. Imperialism and Chinese Politics. 13 (Republican China 19121949, Part 2), 1986. First, the most obvious cultural conflict was communication. Due the such issues, the Communist government is currently implementing a policy for Hong Kong to politically function as it did under British control for 50 more years. Control of Liaodong gave the Japanese a foothold in Manchuria, where they would stage an invasion of China during the 1930s. 2 vols. What were the negative effects of imperialism on China? Among the first foreigners to arrive in China were Christian missionaries. The Qin Dynasty (221--206 BC) before it, though short-lived, was infamous for beginning the Great Wall, constructing the Terracotta Army, and the origins of true Chinese authoritarian emperorship. An error occurred trying to load this video. The Negative Effects Of Imperialism In China Imperialism was bad for China. The citizens mostly spoke Cantonese, but the official written language was English. This source serve as a comprehensive analysis on the political, economic and social development of this island with respect to global changes in the nineteenth andtwentiethcenturies. The following source is a description of the culture and lifestyle in the British Colony of Hong Kong in the 1930s. This Research Guide is divided into four main components. 1. Once the hobbyof emperors and rich men, opium smoking soon flourished. Social, political, and cultural changes The years from the 8th century bce to 221 bce witnessed the painful birth of a unified China. 1000 Chests of Opium imported into China. The Japanese had spent the previous quarter of a century embracing industrialism, modern production methods and Western approaches to military command and organisation. The Opium War of 1839 was the first large scale military conflicts between the Qing Empire and western imperial powers. Imperial China hosted many dynasties across at least 3,500 years, from the ancient and mythical Xia Dynasty to the Manchurian-ruled Qing Dynasty. Lao-Tzu clearly stated that morality is only present when goodness has left. By the 19th century, it had technologically surpassed China and could no deploy armored gunboats, which far outmatched Chinese ships. Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) Opium War (1839-42)7. Quotes widely from both Chinese and Western sources. 285 lessons They have been in place for thousands of years. This. This is the impact of European imperialism on the Asian continent. This refers to areas where foreign imperial powers were granted special political and economic rights in the country. That is somewhat like the situation China was in throughout the 17th-19th centuries. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Can Confucianism be considered a religion? Mongolia lies in the northwest, Tibet to the west, and Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, etc.) Many Asian Countries put the Unequal Treaties into effect. See a timeline of imperialism in China. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 19782009. To represent the history of Imperial China in map form would require hundreds of maps. Jonathan D Spence is one of the most well known scholar in Chinese history.He served as Sterling Professor at Yale University from 1993 to 2007. The region around the Pearl River delta, now the location ofHong Kong, was ceded to British control. The Sui Dynasty (581--618 CE) was the first Medieval Imperial Chinese Dynasty. Britain's other weapons were more practical. The Vietnamese successfully resisted Chinese invasion, but Chinese technology, agricultural techniques, and Buddhism did make their way into Vietnam. London and New York: Routledge/Curzon, 2003. Fay, Peter Ward. The facet of imperialism that has received the most attention is that of aggression against China by capitalist nation-states (primarily along the coastline) and Chinas nationalistic response. In 1899, many Chinese civilians rose against foreign influence in the Boxer Rebellion, but an alliance of eight foreign powers defeated this rebellion and forced the Qing government to pay a large indemnity. The sources in this section explain the development of Chinese nationalism and the intricacies of international relations in the Qing court. In order to balance the demand for Chinese goods, the British East India Company, its most powerful trade corporation, began to grow opium in India for sale in China. Effects of Western Imperialism in China: Terms, Concepts, People Define and identify the following: Lin Tse-hsu (Lin Zexu)6. I feel like its a lifeline. China was struggling in this time, and many western powers were trying to take advantage of this opportunity to turn a profit. Thoughtful critics have raised doubts about the validity of all of these motivations, but such voices have been relatively ineffective in curtailing the appetite for empire. Authors: Glenn Kucha, Jennifer Llewellyn From 220 CE to 581 CE, China was divided, waiting to be united again. Keay, John. B. Tauris. A detailed history of Chinas economic relations with the imperial powers from the First Opium War to the eve of the Sino-Japanese War, based on extensive Western sources and even more exhaustive Chinese sources, including numerous difang zhi (, local gazeteers). Reputations and careers were made and broken by the cartoons and articles depicted in this magazine. The Yuan Dynasty also conducted China's most significant efforts in militaristic imperial expansionism. The bibliography of the textbook is an archive for reliable sources. They gained new things due to imperialism it helped them learn new things and have new technology. The Qing Dynasty's history culminated in the Opium Wars, 19th-century conflicts against intrusive European powers. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 Fig. They gained new things like education and technology. Civil service exams were only given to young men and women in the highest social class. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Name: _____ Period: _____ Date: _____ Unit 6.1 - 19th Century Imperialism in Africa & Asia Resources: PowerPoint Crash Course: Imperialism / Asian Response to Imperialism Documents Essential Question: What were the causes and long-term effects of European imperialism in Africa and Asia during the 19th century? What were the effects of Japanese imperialism in China? To China's northeast was Korea, and to the east was Japan. Clashes between the Qing government and British merchants ultimately escalated into the infamous Opium Wars. The Mandate of Heaven (created in the Zhou Dynasty) prescribed a divine right to rule and the consequences of weak emperorship. True or false:Civil service exams were only given to young men and women in the highest social class. British ships began landing supplies of opium in China in the late 1700s and early 1800s, mainly around the mouth of the Pearl River in Guangdong. Irritated by high customs duties and a perceived trade imbalance, the European powers (especially the British) began searching for an item they could trade the Chinese in large quantities. Create your account. Cohen 2003 explicitly challenges much of the existing literature, including in particular the impact-response approach identified with Fairbank, but also the tradition-modernity and imperialism approaches. Fairbank 1992, Liao 1984, and Spence 1990 are among the best of the textbooks on the subject, although they also cover the period after 1949. Because, the British were trading opium with China, it threatened China's trade balance. With superior military technology, the British easily defeated the Chinese and forced a humiliating treaty upon them. indirect control over the politics,economy and society without taking on the onus for ruling the country= semi-colonization. Which of the following was NOT a text that preserved the teachings of Confucius? It analyzes the events of the opium wars from a commercial perspective. Imperialism in China had a negative effect on both the economy and the well being of the chinese population through . Yan Zhongping . 5. | 29 Each attempted to validate its rule by drawing from Chinese tradition. Zhongguo jindai jingji shi, 18401894 (, 18401894). Once again, the Qing military suffered a humiliating defeat and the emperor was forced into a one-sided treaty. Wang Jingyu . Create flashcards in notes completely automatically. As a. The policy was principally in place between the late 19th and early 20th century. May Fourth Movement (1919) Reform Movement of 18989. Apartheid in South Africa Overview & Facts | What was Apartheid? It would lead to social degradation, deteriorating relations and, eventually, war. The west sold opium to the Chinese, getting millions of people addicted to it. The Song Dynasty (960--1279 CE) came to define Medieval China through its enforcement of Confucianism-based civil service examinations, the introduction of paper money, the booming population and economy, and rampant political corruption. A resulting steady drain of British silver to pay for the tea was eventually stopped by Great Britain's ascendancy in India. Civil service exams were given to young men of all economic backgrounds, giving men of all social classes an opportunity to join the government. | Contact Author, Founding of The East India Company. Basically, it's intimidation. Gunboat diplomacy was characteristic of British imperialism in China. Financial Panic of 1873 | Summary, Causes & Effects, Tokugawa Shogunate in Japan | History, Culture & Unification, Independence Movements in Latin America | Examples & Impact. Although British imperialism never politically took hold in mainland China, as it did in India or Africa, its cultural and political legacy is still evident today. Outlined by Secretary of State John Hay, the Open Door Policy proposed keeping China open to trade with all countries on an equal basis. 3 vols. this page. This opened up China more, including their ports. That kind of thing. The following is alink to some of these priceless items. Beijing: Foreign Languages, 1955. 1998, BU Blogs | Guided History Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. The magnum opus of Chinese history in English. Imperial China collapsed at the beginning of the 20th century after over 3,500 years of non-consecutive reign in East Asia. True or false:Civil service exams were given to young men of all economic backgrounds, giving men of all social classes an opportunity to join the government. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. All the other kids want to trade with him, but he's content with his own toys and refuses their offers. Sinicization, at its core, is the process of strengthening Han Chinese culture within and without mainland China; non-Han Chinese people become exposed to and adopt Han Chinese culture, including moral values, language, education systems, philosophy, religion, technology, diet, etc. Hopkins, Tony. The influence and imperialism of Western Europe and associated states (such as Russia, Japan, and the United States) peaked in Asian territories from the colonial period beginning in the 16th century and substantially reducing with 20th century decolonization.It originated in the 15th-century search for trade routes to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia that led directly to the Age of . Both economic issues and cultural issues have received attention in this story, as discussed at length under Economic Theories of Imperialism and Cultural Analyses of Imperialism, respectively. In Peter FeysThe Opium War, the author explains the economic intentions of the British Empire in China before 1839 and after 1842. Zhongguo jindai jingji shi, 18951927 (, 18951927). Pearson. During the Second Opium War in 1860, the allegiance of of European imperialist occupied the Chinese capital of Peking (Beijing). The British demanded that all of China be open to trade and that opium be fully legalized. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. European interest in China dates back to Marco Polo, the Venetian explorer who completed two expeditions to China in the late 1200s. The first steps toward economic imperialism in China date from the mid-1500s, when Portuguese traders paid for access to ports in Macau on Chinas far south-east coast. Oxford University Press. Islamic peoples in Yuan Dynasty China became well integrated with Han Chinese culture, customs, and politics. This book explains the commercial aspects of imperialism which exemplifies the theoretical economic factors associated with imperialism. Citation information Is the meeting between Confucius and Lao-Tzu a true histoical event? Which of the following are true about civil service exam system? Early Chinese history and some historical evidence point to the existence of the ancient Xia Dynasty, but other historians argue that the Zhou Dynasty claimed themselves as the descendants of the mythical Xia Dynasty to solidify their rule when overthrowing the Shang Dynasty. History Research Guides by Boston University Students. He also addresses the problem of imperialism. Yes. Oft-cited Chinese account of imperialism in China. Think back to when you were a kid. This was because British trade companies stood to make significant profit off of buying goods from China, such as tea, silk, and porcelain, then selling those goods at a higher price to others. working class. The British soon became Chinas largest foreign trading partner. The following source covers the history of Hong Kong from its colonization in 1839 to its return to China in 1997. The exportation of capital into foreign and less competitive markets was the driving force of all imperialistic ventures. The more aggressive foreign imperialist powers Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan negotiated with regional officials and warlords to construct their own spheres of influence within China. British companies purchased vast amounts of Chinese tea, as well as luxuries like silks, porcelain and other decorative items. Under this policy, China was permitted to collect tariffs and engage in open and equal trade. Sino-Hellenic Studies, Comparative Studies of Early China Sociolinguistic Aspects of the Chinese Language, Texts in Pre-Modern East and South-East Asia, Chinese, The Shijing (Classic of Poetry; Book of Odes), Unequal Treaties and the Treaty Ports, The, United States-China Relations, 1949-present. Spense, Jonathan D.The Search For Modern China. In the Opium Wars, Britain forced China to open its ports to European traders and import opium, an addictive drug Britain was selling. . On the right, you can see a seed from 1908, when the Qin dynasty was no longer in power and the territory was not divided by France, America, the United Kingdom, Russia, and Germany. How Did Imperialism Affect China China was impacted by Imperialism in a big way. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you This site was last updated on January 4, 2023. Because of all the machinery used in this time period, the air in China became polluted and still is today. Abbas, Ackbar. As the 19th century came to an end, China found itself drug-addled, divided, exploited by foreign interests and plagued by corrupt officials. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. But what does Imperial China mean? 2007. Detailed discussion of events between 1839 (First Opium War) and 1925 (death of Sun Yat-sen). The following website is a part of the Hoover Archives that covers 19th century European Imperialism in Asia. Concerned that the European and Japanese carve-up of China threatened American commercial interests in Asia, US diplomats negotiated an open door policy for American trade in China. The Qing lacked the political will, national authority, popular support and military strength to respond to these challenges. For generations, his work remained the only authoritative European text on China. Liao, Kuang-sheng. Starting in the early 13th century, the Mongols under Genghis Khan began invading China and would conquer it entirely by 1279. The Ming Dynasty (1368--1644 CE), the last Han Chinese dynasty, attempted to cast away its Mongol influences and reestablish traditional Chinese prosperity. Continuing with our definition of Imperial China, we must add: Dynastical rule (established during Shang Dynasty) is described as familial succession in which a son inherits power from his Emperor's father. In China itself, the war triggered a reform movement that attempted to renovate the government; it also resulted in the beginnings of revolutionary activity against the Qing dynasty rulers of China. In1711, the British East India Company also established a trading post there. The Honourable Company: A History of the English East India Company. Eventually, the weakened state of Imperial China could not last in the 20th century. He considered the structure of the family to be akin to the structure of the state: patriarchy with a ruler (father) leading his subjects (children). Was China Colonized? Various looted artifacts appear today in museums around the world. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. flashcard sets. Hong Kong became a British colony, Chinese seizure of British Vessel The Arrow in suspect of piracy, Tientsin Treaties, negotiations between Chinese, British, French and American diplomats, British and French diplomats were refused entry into Beijing, Second Opium War, Looting of the Qing Imperial palace in Beijing, Chinese anti-Foreign uprising, Boxer Rebellion, John Hays Open Door Policy calls for equal trade rights amongst Europeans in China, Official collapse of the Qing Empire and establishment of the Republic of China, London Missionary Society establishes Hong Kong College of Medicine, which later became the University of Hong Kong.