With many other eccentric insects who populate the town, they go on all kinds of crazy adventures. +. Lincoln: That's too bad Clyde, I hope you have a great time. Ms. Merdich: Crikey, I almost forgot, if you have teamwork that's involved with your project, make sure you give everyone else the credit they deserve. Lori: Okay, I'll help you with the animations. (As promised, Lincoln drew the Godzilla head in a movie accurate design, then he drew the jaw separately, when he got done, he shows it to Lori). Lori: So it'll be just the two of us, I'll be in charge of you until Sunday night when I go back to Fairway. Lincoln: Cinnamon sticks? - Poor burned boy. - Lincoln asked. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Good try Chandler, but umI'm not impressed, so I'll give you a grade on it later. - If I did, you wouldn't have learned anything by yourselves. A new family (Loud house NSL fanfic) - Chapter 1. The day bad luck Lori: >to Lincoln< Not so fast Lincoln, I'll have to cut you a half, so you can have one half of your burger for lunch and your other half for lunch. The Loud House: Bad Blood By: Tyzuma A few years have passed since Luna and Lincoln were turned into vampires. Lincoln: I'm so excited Clyde, I can't wait to show my game to my whole class. Ms. Merdich: >to Lincoln< Thanks mate, it's been a pleasure having you as my student. Giganta: >to Godzilla Lori< You will pay for this, until I get fixed up, I'll be waiting for you. Lori: It can be, it's not alwats easy, but you'll get the hang of it >to audience< People who do this for a living literally deserve more credit and respect. - Lynn commented. Principal Ramirez: It'll be a surprise, you'll see on Monday! Liam: I'm hoping you'll be getting a good grade. Lincoln: Oh yeah, I guess it doesn't hurt to try something new for a change. >giggles<. I added Lana because I didn't want Lincoln to be alone with his problem. Luna: It's a school night bro, and I think we should get to bad or mom is going to freak, and that's Bad to the bone dude! Ms. Merdich: Now class, I will return your math tests that you all did last week, most of you did well, but for others, you need to improve your grades. After the show was done playing and Lincoln was hyped. Ms. Merdich: >to Mr. Bolhofner< G'day mate, what a nice surprise, I didn't think you would show up in time for the big event. Sorry it took so long. Don't do this to me! (As Lincoln got off the bus along with his sisters, Lincoln went up to his room to do some research on some of the Godzilla kaiju that he will be adding to his game, he looked up Godzilla's atomic breath, King Ghidorah's gravity beams, and MechaGodzilla's finger missles, and etc., once he got done researching, he filled in the notes for each of the Kaiju's powers and weapons, then he took the opportunity to watch some clips of the classic Godzilla films on DVD such as "Mothra vs. Godzilla" (1964), "Ghidorah: The Three headed monsters" (1964), "Godzilla vs. Hedorah" (1971) "Godzilla vs. Gigan" (1972) and "Godzilla vs. MechaGodzilla" (1974) to study each of the monsters powers, he then recorded those clips with with phone and got good videos on it, he saved them all for later and couldn't wait to try out those moves on his game, soon Lincoln went straight to bed, but only when--). (It starts on a warm Tuesday afternoon with Lincoln is in his room reading his book, in complete solitude and relaxation) LINCOLN: Ah, there's nothing like a good book on a warm day. Its nice to see some justification for Lincoln. Lincoln: >to audience< I think things have been lucky for me so far, first, I had a substitute who was real nice to me, I go help from my two sisters, best friends and a neighbor who supported me for making my game, and I got an A+ on this just like Lori, though I wish she was here to see this, I think I'm going to be real busy with the weekend, by playing my fan-made game and reading my comics, I think next week is going to be more exciting for me now that Mr. Bolhofner has been suspended for the semester so hopefully he'll get better by the time after Christmas break, I just can't wait for another exciting week. (Then another flying monster appears alongside Godzilla Lori and Mothra Leni, this creature had Luna's head with a body of a pterosaur-like creature). Before he could process his surroundings, a familiar voice caught him off guard. Digi Clyde: You are running late for class Lincoln. Lori: Yeah, and Lola's too, it's a good thing Lola's not here, she got crazy for them. He ereased the salve from the steps. Employee: >on speaker phone< Okay, One Monster Burper and one cheese burger, hold the Mayo, the Mustard and the Pickles. Lincoln: She is super nice, and she will write your name on the discipline list if you act up, and guess what? Lynn Sr.: Wow son, I can't believe it, I think you should take up a career in making videogames. Bolhofner MechaGodzilla: Prepare to be terminated! Clyde: You are so lucky, I wish we had that teacher. Lana went into her and Lola's room. - Lincoln said, relaxed - This is the positive effect of having your own room: peace and quiet. It aired on Discovery Kids from September 2006 through June 2008 for only one season. Lana, please, don't make same mistakes I did, don't suffer for my recklessness. Godzilla Lori: I just finished up my first Kaiju fight, just shoved her face in the volcano. Clyde: Relax Lincoln, maybe you can tell Ms. Merdich that you haven't figured out how to program the game yet, she'll understand! Lori: That's it, you got the head and the jaw together, now let's see if we can put the rest in. Clyde and others: Good morning Principal Ramirez! Lincoln: I guess you do have a point, I have been working on those since Lori left and-- >checks the clock on his laptop, it was 9:42 pm< Oh my gosh Luna, I need to hit the hay, goodnight Luna! Leni: >wakes up< Oh, Morning Linky, I wanted to sleep with you because I heard you screaming last night, so I thought I could cuddle you, because I understand Lori sometimes do it, and the same goes with Luna. Ms. Merdich: >kneels down to Lincoln's size to assure him< No worries mate, you can tell the rest of the class about it tomorrow, turn on your thinking caps and then you can tell me the next day, >gives Lincoln a Flash Driver< here you go mate. - That Lola. - Onion powder?! Lincoln: It's fine you guys, at least I have that nice substitute, who knows how long that will last. Stop blubbering, boys don't cry!". (It then cuts to the lunchroom where all of Lincoln's friends were shocked in a surprising way). - Don't come any closer, monster! What's your beef with him? Rita: >to Lynn Sr.< Let's not get carried away with this, there is plenty of time for that. - Please, let me explain. (Ms. Merdich typed in the website were it will take them to a programming site, she has shown them the basic codes for making a game). Each episode features a different tale based on myths and urban, Hey everyone! Lincoln: Thanks for the advice Stella, I can't wait. Thanks to all who gave me recommendations, by the way. - Lynn, you should have told me. Rita: Well sometimes you have to accept what you have, and sometimes bad things happen and there is nothing you can do about. based videogame or a Muscle Fish game, because it couldn't matter because he has a compassion for these things since he favored them so well, the next day at school, Lincoln and his classmates were just about finished up with their history lesson). Lori: It's about time for me to leave home to college, but before I go, I think maybe I should stay here for a while and see our siblings and parents as a surprise. Lincoln and Lynn went up to Lola and Lena's room. Godzilla Lori: Thanks Mothra Leni, I appreciate that. Rusty: Tell me about it, I couldn't beat him on my first try. "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. Lincoln using his brain, gadgets and traps against Lynn's strength was inspired by fight between Batman and Superman. (Lincoln then takes all of the papers and gives them to Ms. Merdich, he then returns to his desk and sits down peacefully). Lincolnloud Stories - Wattpad Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Chandler: But why? Heaven And Hell Bond Chapter 50: Spending Money Wisely, a Loud House - That's a scent of fear. A'Loud to Go Too Far, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincoln: Oh well, I guess I'll have to live up to it for a whhile. Lola: Well, I had this dream where I was a princess of the marshmallow kingdom, when all of a sudden, a black yucky blob monster started to poison the air and turn my marshmallows into mud, I woke up scared, please Linky, Lori's not here, and I need somebody to keep me safe. Lincoln: >to Mr. Grouse, annoyed< Really? A series of flashbacks show Lori and Bobby making out, not noticing anything like Lincoln sitting right next to them on the couch excitedly playing his video games, the twins fighting, Lun, Plot: Luan's passion is shattered when she thinks it's hurting her family, but someone has it in for her. -I feel no grudge to you and you're no bully. - Lana was confused - Why do you change your mind now? - Dumb question. Lincoln: >in thought< I think I should start by adding the big five Godzilla monsters with Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidorah and MechaGodzilla, but what about the other three? Lincoln was standing on the beach when Lola yelled out to him "Lincoln! Only ones who accomplish anything will be accidental witnesses, they'll accomplish your mutual lose as an amusement. Mr. Grouse: Don't know? One day, Lincoln Loud was one day watching Arggh on television. Ms. Merdich: Now for the next assignment, I need you to add your characters for the game, you can make as many as you want, it doesn't matter how much you have in your character roster, what matters is your own imagination. the loud house fanfiction lincoln heartbroken The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. "Oh boy this new episode is a great episode," Lincoln said. Stella: Hey Lincoln, what's with the smile! - Lana commented after the episode ended. (Once then he turned on his laptop and scanned his drawings, the drawings where then placed onto his file that was saved on the flash drive, and with that, Lincoln was ready to color his characters, he went to paint 3D to accurately paint his characters parts, it took him until after 12:52 pm and he noticed that it was lunchtime). The other characters in this fanfic will not be introduced until next chapter. (Once Ms. Merdich passed the tests to the students, Lincoln was thrilled that he got an "A" on his test and has a smiley face on it), (Once Chandler got his test back, he got a "D-" and a comment saying, "Do better next time"). I didn't know I could pull this off! Carol: Thanks so much for returning this, I got a lot of schoolwork to finish up. If you didn't treat me like trash I wouldn't plan whole this gambit to defeat you. - No, it's Lynn. Lola: Thank you, >hug him< you are the best brother ever. (Lincoln went to the bathroom and got himself showered, he then went into his room and got himself dressed up in a Hawaiian t-shirt and brown cargo shorts, he then wears his flip flops so that way he wouldn't need to tie his shoes, he than goes downstairs and noticed a bag from McGarfeild's, the note says >"Linky, I've bought us breakfast so that Lincoln Loud: Thanks. Lincoln: Wow, I didn't know animation was so hard. (Lori then left the house and got in the car, she revved up the engine and waved goodbye to her family, the family went back in as they started doing their usual activities at home, Lincoln was still working on his project, he started doing the animations for Anguirus, he was a bit challenged at doing Anguirus, as he wanted to do Anguirus standing on his two legs and switching them back to all fours, but eventually, he them fixed a few errors and was proud to do it, he started to work on Hedorah, it was a little too difficult, but he then got the hang of it, he did remember to add the flying animation for Hedorah as he did that design while working on breath effects for some of the Kaiju, in his room, Lincoln was doing animations for King Ghidorah, Mothra and Rodan, someone knocks on his door), (Lincoln opens the door for Luna, she wanted to check on his progress, she was impressed and checked out the animations for the characters he's done). Life Has Consequences Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincoln: Ladies and gentlemen of Mr. Bolhofner's class, I present to you, the game that I've been constructing three weeks ago, and I've couldn't have done this without my friends Clyde, Liam, Zach, Rusty, Stella, my neighbor Mr. Grouse, and my big sisters Luna and Lori who is at college, and i give them thanks for my support, and now ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to show the game that I've been working on that was suggested my my sister Luna, I originally want to work on Ace Savvy or A.R.G.G.H. My fifty-fifth fanfiction. Digi Rusty: Better get a move on, or the Virus Hoff will get you. Lori head: And we literally are going to be besties Bolhofner Virus: Once you created a virus, there is no going back Loud. Guest 1 - I can use bits of this. How about a game I like to call detention! Bolhofner Virus: Congratulations Loud, you are now one of us! Loud Light - True that! Ms. Merdich: Okay class, under my rules, I have a few to explain, if I call your name after a disciplinary measure , I'll put your name on the discipline list like a Shrimp on the Barbie but no second chances, if I check your name three times for a week on any sort of behavior, I'll send you to the principals office, I do not like students who want to act differently, I'm serious this time, I want good mannered students and not the kind who acts differently, is that understood? Principal Ramirez: >to class< Good morning students, I hope you have a good day! (It was about close to nighttime and Lincoln was on the Tokyo level on Super Godzilla, as he was about to fight Mecha-King Ghidorah, Lori walked up to him and gave him the other half of his burger), (Lincoln was ready to face Mecha-King Ghidorah on the Tokyo level, he had to take in many hits while trying to fight Mecha-King Ghidorah, but he eventually loses to him and ran out of continues, he then switches off the SNES to watch TV, he then tunes into "The Adventures of Ace Savvy and One-eyed Jack: The animated series", he watched the season one finale and was feeling very tired, so he decides to go upstairs to his room and get some sleep for the night, he then had another dream that he was in Tokyo where he meets up with Lori as Godzilla, she spots him and picks him up from her hand). Lincoln Loud: I guess so. "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. Lincoln: > to Ms. Merdich< Thank you Ms. Merdich. - Lynn screamed in fear - What did I do to you? "Can Bun Bun come as well," Lincoln asked. Lori: Okay Lincoln, let's try to get those pieced together, to do this, we need to match them together. - Lincoln explained - I am noheartlessmonster. For those who don't know, Kamishibai is a form of Japanese street theater that was popular back in the 1930's. - Lola asked - How did you do this? (Lincoln gives Lori a list of the characters he's going to add to his game, then she looks at it). Chandler Ghidorah:> to Godzilla Lori, middle head< Hey, that's not fair, >to Mothra Leni, right head< You will pay for this! Lori: Okay, what characters do you have for your game? - Lynn cried more - I am so sorry. Lincoln: What have you been doing lately? Ms. Merdich: Well class, I'm impressed with most of your games, but I want to cut to the chase here, the only game I was disappointed with the most isChandler's Ace Savvy fan-made game, >to Chandler< I'm sorry mate, but that's a "D-" for you. (Lincoln looked and noticed that there is a "Monster Burper" that he wanted to try out), (Lincoln nods his head, Lori then rolls her eyes). - Too far? Lynn: Just take your time, I did a sports theme videogame, but I got an F on that. Lincoln: I'm sorry you had to hear that, I had a nightmare that I was going to be a computer virus. Ms. Merdich: Okay then, now for the first step, when making a game you need to come up with a good story and synopsis for your game, be more specific, and the story is worth fifty percent of your grade.
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