Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< That's lunch detention with me and my Tuna casserole. Lincoln: Yes Principal Ramirez, I met her on the school bus. Lynn: Hold it right there you gun possessing maniacs, for talking about guns, that's punishment by me. They quickly ran after him to stop him from ending his life. crossover. Rita: Lincoln, I think it was sweet of you to help me cook dinner tonight. Lisa: Let me guess, its an older girl isnt it? Pablo: >to Taylor< Yeah, the teacher's waiting on us. Anderson: >annoyed< Of course we are bullies, we dont care about anybody but ourselves, and we can do whatever we want, and we shall tell the dorks to stay out of our way. WebAfter completing the video, Lincoln nervously sent the video to the bully on his phone, Much to his relief, The bully found the video to be funny and submitted the video to the contest. Mr. Chong: You are dismissed, I'll see you tomorrow at one, peace dude! WebLincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. LENI: Yeah, Im fine. Taylor: >to Principal Ramirez< Principal Ramirez, I assure you, I was not harming or harassing the boy, I was standing up to him. The conditions in Royal Woods became intolerable, and she must look for new chances to survive. (The other sisters except Lynn came surrounding Lincoln). Anderson: Thats what I thought, you are pathetic and weak, this is why you never get a girlfriend, and you dont have your big sissies to protect you, and you got no little baby buddies to back you up. That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. Lynner or Loser Taylor: Thank you guys, I'll have to start treating you guys better for now on now that I'm taking those anti-bullying programs. Lincoln: >angered, to Anderson< Anderson! Taylor: Oh, raw meat can be a problem sometimes, say um, you got anything interesting for lunch that you are having that we can trade? Rita: >to Taylor< Sorry that had to behave like this, they are too overprotective with their brother, take after me of course. Taylor: Man itself is the monster depending on his or her action, sometimes whatever action can affect everyone elses lives, but at times, we admit our mistakes and then we learn from them. (Anderson and Pablo turned around and saw Principal Ramirez and the school officer behind them), Anderson: P-p-p-p-p-p-Principal Ramirez, what a surprise, I was just--. (Anderson grabs Lincoln by the face and slams his face by the tree at least three times, he then drags Lincoln all over the ground, dirt clods and grass covered him up real bad, Anderson gets a small kick from Lincoln by the leg, he releases him and then Lincoln runs away, but Pablo pouches on him pinning him, Taylor watches this in horror and starts to tear up seeing that Lincoln didnt deserve this, Pablo gets up and releases him, until Anderson grabs him by the britches and gives him the worst wedgie of them all, then he pins Lincoln while grabbing his arm), (Anderson continues to twist his arm in pain, until he stops). (Anderson pretends to cry like a baby, Pablo joins in as they both chuckled, they stopped and then turn to him one last time), (Lincoln didnt move a muscle or said a word, he just stood there on the ground). WebBULLY #1: Oh, Its just because we HATE you. Lynn: So Stinkoln, running in the hallway haven't you? (After gym class, Lincoln was looking for Lynn, but he couldnt find her, eventually he goes to his locker and gets ready for his next class, until three shadows approach him). Taylor: Im not kidding, Im done with you guys bullying others just because they are younger or smaller than you, look at yourselves you're eighth graders, just like me and Lynn! Its Taylor from Middle School! Clyde: For todays news, just about three days ago, Lincoln was the victim of Anderson and Pablo who poorly treated them for stealing local eighth grader Taylor, as of yesterday, the two eighth grade boys are hereby expelled from school as they have known to be a bad influence to the student body in general, Taylor was now praised as a hero for standing up to Lincoln against the bullies, we now got live with Hall monitor Taylor as she has a speech to express. That's when my mom walked in and Lori left the room. Principal Ramirez: >to Taylor< Thanks Taylor, >to Anderson and Pablo< Anderson, Pablo, for bullying others and manipulating others, you both are hereby expelled from this school for the rest of the school year, and you have to restart your eighth grade year next year. Principal Ramirez: Hello, was that a knock? Taylor: >to Lincoln< Lincoln, run, save yourself, hes too strong, run while you still can! Web9 minds in one Loud (Loud house nsl fanfic) by Red16dragon YOU ARE READING 9 minds in one Loud (Loud house nsl fanfic) Action During the events of nsl Lincoln is raped by his family as this causes his mind to shatter into 9 other parts each with their own personality and some with powers. Taylor: I did, but unfortunately, someone else his own grade started to pick on him and beat me to it. Taylor: Yes, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for causing an incident with the school bus, I should have known better than to threaten or tease you guys like that, they made me do it. (Anderson comes back grabbing Taylors hand), Anderson: >to Taylor< Taylor, I said Lets go!. It was another normal day at the loud house me and Lori where in the kitchen arguing about something as usual. Mr. Chong: I've seen that we had made your point. He didn't know and honestly, after a lot of soul searching and self-doubts, he didn't care. Lynn: Youre welcome Principal Ramirez, now that Ive learned my lesson, you think I could get my job back as Hall monitor? Taylor: HES NOT MY BOYFRIEND, HES MY FRIEND OF NO RELATION, RELEASE HIM!!! "Wow Linc-Lame, your sisters are even worse than you" The bully texting back to Lincoln. Lincoln was devastated by what he just heard. WebIts All Relative Chapter 8: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction. SoulKiller13. Lincoln: Come on, why do you guys have to act like that? (The stench got to Chandler as his face turns green and retreats to his new assigned seat, back in the guidance office, after Taylor told him the whole story). Pablo: Oh man, and I thought we were the kings and queen of bullying. Lincoln's friends: >to Taylor< Nice to officially meet you Taylor! Principal Ramirez: No excuses, no exceptions, if you ever abuse them again, I will have to suspend you for the rest of the week, now get out! Mr. Chong: Yes, pretty pitiful huh? Taylor: Yuck, Really Mom? WebThe bully Chapter 1: worst enemy, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincolns P.O.V. Lincoln: >in Locker< Uh, a little help here? School Officer: Sorry isnt good enough for you young lady, this is the second time you have been aggressive, this time to an officer, if I see you messing with anybody out by the hallway one more time, you will be suspended, understand? Anderson: >to Pablo< Dont be, >to Lincoln< Stay away from Taylor, shes ours, she should have never befriended a baby like you, that would make her a pedophile if she keeps hanging around babies like you! Lynn: Good, now get some sleep little bro, hopefully things will look better for you in the morning. Mr. Chong: I see, but tell me this, how do you think they feel when you took advantage of them when you are stealing something from them? Taylor: >to Lincoln< Im sorryLincoln. Taylor: Thank you sir, are there still any more lessons to learn? When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! Lincoln: In a family as big as mine, at some point we can agree that his cooking is terrific, but at other half, his cooking can have a sort of a weird taste to it, sometimes he even cooks it raw and it gave us a stomach ache for weeks. "Wow Linc-Lame, your sisters are even worse than you" The bully texting back to Lincoln. Lincoln: Some friend she is, and yet she didnt even bother to back me up, I know there is some good in her somewhere, the bullies are manipulating her into doing something she wasnt supposed to do, I guess me and Taylor arent friends anymore because of this incident. The Loud House Fanfic #30-No Bullies Stella: >to Lincoln< Sorry Taylor tricked you Lincoln. Mr. Chong: Pay attention, since you have been a bully right after you have beaten up your abusive brother, you have joined up with a small gang that consists to two boys, do you know these boys? Bullies Episode Information Gallery Script Categories Languages Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Loud House Lynn Sr.: Well, I see you are making a good decision and you took real care of Lincoln, even better than Lynn in my case. (As Taylor was the first along with Anderson and Pablo got in the cafeteria, they all seen Lincoln getting brutally pinned to the floor by Lynn, Anderson and Pablo laughed, but Taylor gets into another flash back of herself as a fifth grader going on to be a sixth grader, where she was bullied by her abusive big brother while her parents are away). Rusty: >to Lincoln< I hope you will get a better week, I'm tired of these eighth grade bullies picking on us. Mr. Chong: Yes, you have passed the test, I think you are going to make some new friends and even reunite with some old friends, you are awesome the way you are, without being a bully, nor being involved in a gang. WebIn a post-apocalyptic world, Lori Loud, the only survivor of the Loud family, struggles to stay alive. Lincoln: I'm having Grilled Cheese for tomorrow. Mr. Bolhofner: >to Chandler< MCANN. (Lincoln had shown Taylor the attic, she was amazed over how they got so many stuff in the attic, Lincoln has shown them each of their bedrooms). Anderson: >to Lincoln< So you little twerp, you think that your little trick is going to work on Taylor? Taylor: I realized it now, I dont want to end up like this, I want a better future than this, I dont want to set up anymore bad examples for anyone, I want them to be better than this, I want to start my life all over again. To end his miserable life. Pablo: Maybe its not what we expected, so I think she is making friends with them. Clyde: I'm so sorry to hear that, say would you like to-- Lincoln: >to Ronnie Anne, interrupts Clyde< Have a tour of our school before the bell rings? Taylor: >to Lincoln< Here you are, once you are done with his class, I'll see you in the hallway and I'll escort you to lunch. Loudcest (The Loud House) Lincoln and Lucy Loud are both in a secret forbidden incestous relationship. Taylor: I am, but as long as Im with Anderson and Pablo, it looks like hes mad at me. (Taylor left Mr. Chong's office and walked into the hallway where she sees Lincoln walking out of the nurses office with an ice pack on his arm, Taylor started to feel sorry for him, she knew she didn't need to approach him, she needed to wait for the right moment until school was over, she came back to her eighth grade English classroom, she got to her seat and payed no attention to her two friends Anderson and Pablo, after school, just as Lincoln was getting something out of his locker, Taylor cleared her throat in a non-intimidating matter, Lincoln shrieked in fear and shields his book to his face).
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