Sanded vs. unsanded grout: When using cementitious grout, youll face two options: sanded and unsanded. If you use this grout in your bathroom, water will go through the hole. /Itf6YqmQAAAGwGwGKt4q7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqkuu/wDHU8uf9tKT/unalirvJn/KH6D/ANs2 proof:pdf As a result, this grout type is perfectly suited to harsh conditions found in commercial kitchens, factories, and labs. Fusion Pro #381 Bright White 1 Gal. . It will be very helpful to clean the tiles without more pressure. 2012-01-11T12:57:28-08:00 /;/metadata 2012-05-04T16:33:12-07:00 Do not expose to wet weather elements for at least seven days and maintain temperatures above 50F. saved 2012-05-07T12:11:16-07:00 How do you remove the grout haze from Fusion Pro? xmp.iid:45182CFA102068118C1483DFCB52BE94 saved 0000029329 00000 n All Rights Reserved. JOKq36W83/8AVhT/AKS4v64q79Leb/8Aqwp/0lxf1xV36W83/wDVhT/pLi/rirv0t5v/AOrCn/SX /metadata /;/metadata 0pTw12O7FoEWI3unxhGe3jag+AsOVOlV8cVQHmTRNT8xpq+q+X/Lt1pFo+mw2X1WaBbee6nW7glq The floor assembly must be dry for 24 hours before grouting. xmp.iid:5E7BB7DE142068118C14D22FE257B684 For a proper installation, it needs evaporation. 0000020744 00000 n P+qmKu/xn5P/AOr9pv8A0mQf9VMVd/jPyf8A9X7Tf+kyD/qpirv8Z+T/APq/ab/0mQf9VMVd/jPy uIxVptNhaUTOOTr0JLdPlWmG0UqSWokXgxoPao6fIjG1pZbadBbTGdPtkU6fr74EovFXYqkuu/8A Learn more. da/9lOKpnZebfLUNusd75m0y7mBPKUXFvEDU7fAJW6YqgNZ82eVZdR0B4ta090g1CSSVluoSEQ2F Fusion Pro Grout Problems And How To Solve Those Issues? %PDF-1.3 % UNMms7b0hLJw4+uvOP4XVjyUhuwxViv+DNb/AJtM/wCkZf8Aqlirv8Ga3/Npn/SMv/VLFXf4M1v+ Fusion Pro #381 Bright White 1 qt. Single Component Grout Fusion Pro's state-of-the-art technology gives end-users the time to clean up common household liquids like coffee and oil before they become permanent stains. /;/metadata 0H/tm2f/ACYjxVS8y6nJaqtl+jRqUFwpMgaZYgKEUFGVq4qxr17L/qVIf+klf+aMVd69l/1KkP8A V3+JL/8Ak0P7m/5rxV3+JL/+TQ/ub/mvFVyeY7w8uY0RaLVRxY1Ph9vFVv8AiS//AJND+5v+a8Vd Even when you try to clean the joining part of the tiles, grout will come up continuously and make your tiles so dirty. AKSYP+aMVd68H/UqWn/STB/zRirvXg/6lS0/6SYP+aMVd68H/UqWn/STB/zRirvXg/6lS0/6SYP+ They never change color. Question: Is Fusion Pro Grout really Stain-Proof and Color Perfect? zoTIl5PFEDQ7DhM68hirG/0on/Vj0T/pIs/+qmKu/Sif9WPRP+kiz/6qYq79KJ/1Y9E/6SLP/qpi So, be ready before applying this grout. %%EOF Fusion Pro can be installed in commercial and residential environments, interiors and exteriors, and on walls and floors and specifically shower floors. AKsOm/8ASHB/1TxV3+DPJ/8A1YdN/wCkOD/qnirv8GeT/wDqw6b/ANIcH/VPFXf4M8n/APVh03/p R/8Ajjyv/wAt3/JKb/qlirv8ceV/+W7/AJJTf9UsVd/jjyv/AMt3/JKb/qlirv8AHHlf/lu/5JTf /;/metadata Tile Size. 132 0 obj <>stream Once you form a paste, apply it with a flat trowel. saved 0000096517 00000 n It can also be affected by outdoor humidity. rxp3/Ii5/wCyXFXf4w1b/q8ad/yIuf8AslxV3+MNW/6vGnf8iLn/ALJcVTXT7nzlqtsLuwvtOmhJ Some recommend 24 hours of drying time, while others recommend up to 10 days. 6b/qvirvqunf8suk/wDSdN/1XxV31XTv+WXSf+k6b/qvirvqunf8suk/9J03/VfFXfVdO/5ZdJ/6 saved 0000038507 00000 n wufWmILBfTkXYdd3RRiqa4q7FXYqkuu/8dTy5/20pP8AunalirvJn/KH6D/2zbP/AJMR4qg/NWqX Adobe InDesign 7.0 xmp.iid:4CCCB741412068118C1483DFCB52BE94 /;/metadata How Long Does It Take For Grout To Cure? | Grout Magnificent /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA For applying the grout, again and again, you also need more grout which is not to get free. o2KWOaNZYXWSNwGR0IZWB7gjFV+KuxV2KuxV2KpLrv8Ax1PLn/bSk/7p2pYq7yZ/yh+g/wDbNs/+ Adobe InDesign 7.0 0000209576 00000 n Adobe InDesign 7.0 Lower temperatures and higher humidity will slow the cure times. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Adobe InDesign 7.0 9nNa8TVIdm5fs/7qT9eKp768H+/E/wCCGKu9eD/fif8ABDFXevB/vxP+CGKu9eD/AH4n/BDFXevB U+EtKafRiqM/xn5P/wCr9pv/AEmQf9VMVd/jPyf/ANX7Tf8ApMg/6qYq7/Gfk/8A6v2m/wDSZB/1 You should always keep the joint of the tiles clean. AL40P/kt/TFXf4Y1P/fGh/8AJb+mKu/wxqf++ND/AOS39MVd/hjU/wDfGh/8lv6Yqnln5b0EWsYv /g7n/qrirv8ACWr/APVr0n/g7n/qrira+VNYVgy6ZpIKmoPO56j/AJ64qnPqefP99aZ983/NWKu9 I am Clyde Mitchell and I actually write and run the site. They are sold at various stores like Home Depot, Wayfair, Walmart, eBay, and even Amazon. 0000048714 00000 n Covering Fusion Pro immediately after grouting will extend the cure time. 0000001276 00000 n 2012-01-11T10:36:16-08:00 saved RHFGOTuQKnivtiqW2vnK2ku1tb22ksxIaRzOaxnpQkkLQHl/XACCmimmo65oujtGurahbWDTV9MX All content on is intended for informational purposes only. ABFqn/V9m/7hyf0xV3+ItU/6vs3/AHDk/pirv8Rap/1fZv8AuHJ/TFXf4i1T/q+zf9w5P6Yq7/EW xmp.iid:F87F117407206811AB08C344DA1CB6C2 Furan grout also has similar advantages to epoxy-based grout. db/8i1/pirv8N6B/1brf/kWv9MVd/hvQP+rdb/8AItf6Yq7/AA3oH/Vut/8AkWv9MVd/hvQP+rdb +/6sd9/3EI/+qOKu/QF9/wBWO+/7iEf/AFRxV36Avv8Aqx33/cQj/wCqOKs18u2r2mkQQyQSWrgu 2012-03-29T09:28:57-07:00 The environment (indoor or outdoor conditions), humidity levels, temperature, and even the kind of grout laid out all matter. Wipe the files, again and again, squeeze the sponge. 2Y/IBcVRP+EdW/35pn/SDF/1TxVGRaX5uhjWKHU7WONAFREt1VVA7ABcVX/o/wA5/wDV2t/+RA/p Fusion Pro Grout is an acrylic plus silicone resin formula that offers unmatched crack resistance and minimal shrinkage. a9J/4O5/6q4q7/CWr/8AVr0n/g7n/qrirv8ACWr/APVr0n/g7n/qrirv8Jav/wBWvSf+Duf+quKu Curing Once grouting of walls is completed, remove the towels and dry off the tile and grout joints. 2012-05-11T16:11:53-07:00 2012-04-12T15:36:01-07:00 2012-03-02T13:20:25-08:00 So, this is a big problem for Fusion Pro grout applications. /wCpPuP+Dk/pirvq1l/1J9x/wcn9MVd9Wsv+pPuP+Dk/pirvq1l/1J9x/wAHJ/TFXfVrL/qT7j/g v0pbf9XWL/uFwf8ANOKu/Slt/wBXWL/uFwf804q79KW3/V1i/wC4XB/zTirv0pbf9XWL/uFwf804 0000026019 00000 n Fusion Pro can be installed in commercial and residential environments, interiors and exteriors, and on walls and floors and specifically shower floors. 1VxVNrDT7TTLZbOxj9KBCSqcmahY1O7lj1OKpdrv/HU8uf8AbSk/7p2pYq7yZ/yh+g/9s2z/AOTE = "B96 owv}39KorMNrsmy}5Kay&! d7/1YIf+kxv+a8VZj5es5LDSorWW2WzZS5MKuZAKsT9sk9cVUNd/46nlz/tpSf8AdO1LFXeTP+UP Owing to the sealant that acts as a barrier, moisture takes more time from the underlying grout to evaporate. y0xf8Gv9cVd9esf+WmL/AINf64q769Y/8tMX/Br/AFxV316x/wCWmL/g1/riqtHJHKoeJg6noykE qf8AV9m/7hyf0xV3+ItU/wCr7N/3Dk/piqra6zrF5cxWsOuyepMwReWnoBU+Jpiqefonzf8A9X5P If youre unsure what kind of grout you have, the packaging will explain all the necessary instructions, including how long it should be left to cure. Up to 72 hours of drying time are necessary for grout to cure. 804q717bw0b/AICf/mnFXevbeGjf8BP/AM04q717bw0b/gJ/+acVd69t4aN/wE//ADTirvXtvDRv Sanded grout is more resistant to cracking and shrinking. j/3FIv8AspxV31az/wCrbY/9xSL/ALKcVd9Ws/8Aq22P/cUi/wCynFXfVrP/AKttj/3FIv8AspxV 2012-05-07T10:36:19-07:00 The applying process of the Fusion Pro grout is easy, but after applying it, the cleaning process is complicated. Get the latest reviews, deals, giveaways, and exclusive content. JY4xY/omXVbe4X96IiQBQigNFOKsZ+rWX/Un3H/Byf0xV31ay/6k+4/4OT+mKu+rWX/Un3H/AAcn 2012-04-16T11:49:24-07:00 It is not easy to install the Fusion Pro grout like other types of grout. saved Starlike EVO Crystal Glass: After 24 hours, the grout can be exposed to light foot traffic. The curing time of the Fusion Pro Premixed Grout will vary when exposed to lower temperatures and higher humidity. H/LFp3/cTX/qtirvqNh/yxad/wBxNf8Aqtiqrb6RBdyiG102ynlapCR6iHY03PwrKTiqL/wne/8A Thats why the grout between tiles may pull out. PDF/X-1a:2001 In general, the more moisture thats in the air, the longer it takes for grout to dry. Therefore, it is also money wasting. Before starting to apply the Fusion grout, take a light wet sponge and wipe the surface of the tiles. f/1ftN/6TIP+qmKu/wAZ+T/+r9pv/SZB/wBVMVd/jPyf/wBX7Tf+kyD/AKqYq7/Gfk//AKv2m/8A Continue with Recommended Cookies. Fusion Pro grout is a stain resistant grout. Fusion Pro #19 Pewter 1 qt. Single Component Grout Fusion Pro grout is a sanded and pre-mixed grout. VXFXfov8t/57f/pKk/6q4q79F/lv/Pb/APSVJ/1VxV36L/Lf+e3/AOkqT/qrirv0X+W/89v/ANJU Epoxy resin is durable since it can withstand grease, acid, and other harsh chemicals. jbVde0761VufK6tkNKnj8Mczr098VUNZ82eVZdR0B4ta090g1CSSVluoSEQ2F/HyciTYcnUVPcjF irv0x+XX/LPD/wBIzf8ANGKo3Sh5J1qZ4NPs4JHjXmwMHH4agftKPHFU1/w3oH/Vut/+Ra/0xV3+ Adobe InDesign 7.0 saved Adobe InDesign 7.0 WWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+hEAAgIBAgMFBQQFBgQIAwNtAQACEQMEIRIxQQVRE2Ei xmp.did:F77F117407206811AB08C344DA1CB6C2 Lower temperatures and higher humidity will slow the cure times. Some sealers can take two hours to dry, while others can take up to three days. If you use this sealer, it will be easy to clean the surface of the tiles. You will find pinholes after drying the grout properly, and you will find where the four tiles are joined. If you take more than that, the grout may be dried. saved ` Fusion Pro #640 Arctic White 1 qt. saved View the full instructions. 2012-08-06T16:25:15-07:00 0000198674 00000 n Curing time for such grouts is thus shorter. 2012-01-12T13:20:51-08:00 H7o8Vd+ifKX/ACz2P3R4quXS/KiMHSCyVlIKkenUEd8VTeOSOVQ8TB1PRlII+8Yqk+u/8dTy5/20 Its more expensive and difficult to apply since it dries quickly, but it lasts for a long time. However, the exact drying time depends on the type of grout, humidity levels, and whether youre working indoors or outside. to 1/2 in. Drag the edge of the float diagonally to remove excess grout while leaving the joints full. xmp.iid:FE7F1174072068118C14D22FE257B684 Dirt or water can damage it. gfyv/wAsP/JWb/qrirv8D+V/+WH/AJKzf9VcVTaw0+00y2WzsY/SgQkqnJmoWNTu5Y9TiqXa7/x1 saved v13/AI6nlz/tpSf907UsVd5M/wCUP0H/ALZtn/yYjxVDeaNYutPeK2hjspYpkJkW8kVK0PZWdajF gUvbwSSGa4e0nCnnJU8mFBiqZ2Ov3LW3mrVbmUtaaTdXEVsvFQES0t42loQtWrLz61xVJp9Y8xHR 5M/5Q/Qf+2bZ/wDJiPFVHzJ8UkUba3FpKMprFLGkgkoftfvGXpiqRehB/wBTXaf9I0H/ADXirvQg xmp.iid:50E81274072068118C14ECBA348BFCE3 If you follow the step-by-step rules, hopefully, you will never face these issues. 2012-03-29T15:10:53-07:00 MyRFgOpXmwrSuFC59Z0iN3je+tleO3+uOplQFbYf7vI5bR/5XTFVn6f0L6xBafpK1+sXaLLbw+vH dirDPzA11tHawiktYL60uvV9e3uF5BuBi4lT+yw5HfIyNO47F0Yz8ZEjGQqiPigV0y2sIYNR8uaP FUSION PRO SINGLE COMPONENT GROUT FEATURES / PERFORMANCE Question: Is Fusion Pro Grout really Stain-Proof and Color Perfect? Adobe InDesign 7.0 Learn how your comment data is processed. FbFCI8FS0eEzFmLwJHKC8SVDNFOSorJjc8I1RCeTo7M2F1RkdMPS4ggmgwkKGBmElEVGpLRW01Uo (With 20 Examples), How to Fix a Cracked or Chipped Porcelain Sink (8 Easy Steps), How to Make a Shower Floor Less Slippery: 4 Simple Methods, The Ultimate Home Maintenance Checklist (Printable), How to Remove Candle Wax From Wood (4 Easy Methods), The Ultimate House Cleaning Checklist (Printable), How to Fix a Weak Flushing Toilet (8 Simple Solutions), Average Cast Iron Bathtub Weight (With 15 Examples), How to Make Tile Floor Less Slippery: 6 Methods. Fusion Pro can be installed in commercial and residential environments, interiors and exteriors, and on walls and floors and specifically shower floors. /;/metadata Its patented formulation can be applied on all tiles and has built-in Microban antimicrobial product protection. Use this as an excuse to go to a nice hotel or camping for a few days nearby, where you can still go back home to check on the grout or do some touch-ups. saved Its quite similar to epoxy, but its made of polymers of fortified alcohol. %PDF-1.4 % MI5Op1+KOLUSjHkCmmFxnYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYqkuu/8dTy5/wBtKT/unalirvJn/KH6D/2z HWkoF_1' 3. QuicTile Frost Pre-Mixed Urethane Grout: This grout doesnt need to be sealed. 2012-08-06T16:22:23-07:00 Fusion Pro Single Component Grout Shower Installation Tips Spread grout for 1-4 minutes at a time. application/pdf Fusion and such are in a group called Acrylic grouts. 2012-01-11T10:02:07-08:00 Thats why taking more time is highly advisable and definitely much safer. /;/metadata erzhBo7B/T3TsacOn3ZGQt3PYeuxaeUhM1xVv81PTNM/SGqaRa6nA89la6Hby+jKG9Fbnlw+JD8P to 1/2 in. /wAZ6z/yy6f/ANJ9v/1XxV3+M9Z/5ZdP/wCk+3/6r4q7/Ges/wDLLp//AEn2/wD1XxV3+M9Z/wCW q/8AVk/6ek/6p4qyK21O2mtoZppIoJJEV3iMikozAEpXatDtiqp9esf+WmL/AINf64q769Y/8tMX 2012-03-29T15:10:28-07:00 TYeX9H0yc3NharBKVKcgWPwmlR8THwxVMsVdirsVdirsVdiqS67/AMdTy5/20pP+6dqWKu8mf8of 2012-01-17T14:45-08:00 enclosure). saved +YbiJJ4PMpkjkAZHW2jIIPQg+piq/wDQXmb/AKmJ/wDpFj/6qYq79BeZv+pif/pFj/6qYq79BeZv xmp.iid:348831861D2068118C14B7C635AA10FE saved FWKfVrP/AKttj/3FIv8AspxV31az/wCrbY/9xSL/ALKcVd9Ws/8Aq22P/cUi/wCynFXfVrP/AKtt 2012-06-25T14:21:50-07:00 As an Amazon Associate, Prudent Reviews earns fees when you click on links within our articles and make qualifying purchases. Adobe InDesign 7.0 So, using the Fusion Pro grout is a waste of time and money also. Mg/6qYqhr/zZ5cng4WHmfTLOXkD6puLeXbeo4tMuKpNe+Z47a3aa385aZdyAikSGzVjU06vdAbYq Custom Building Products Fusion Pro #115 Platinum 1 Gal. Single Typically, cement-based grout takes 24-72 hours to cure, and epoxy and furan grouts take 24 hours. P/8Ay1ad90n/AFSxV31fz/8A8tWnfdJ/1SxV31fz/wD8tWnfdJ/1SxV31fz/AP8ALVp33Sf9UsVd Answer: Fusion Pro can be covered on a jobsite, but it must be done with breathable craft paper or a similar breathable material. Installed and maintained correctly, Fusion hb``e`` ?P#0p4 B1C(?SH#Nnx!|%@Avm:'5B,"h ` ? For curing, leave it for 24 hours in temperatures above 50F. /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA 2012-01-11T10:49-08:00 Covering Fusion Pro immediately after grouting will extend the cure time. :QTHnTssSrX3`+~Qp:zHo!5OrQvx[pU.J,@52o8iB Uw> >f >42x6Bo\Hr;'hS6Tmp v Q}iT^Lc_W PxWg'r[o\~MKMghR'\JdMX='Ic5?MO 9MR+j}J(V+bCE`B+=Gsc7R-#7ss!.CWAqgnf(G/D6jWN1IEtPB9]n^PI} &,UW6:$0zU*emM"Q{`]na78&aw;&rE. Oh3dvfXv1fUbXR40ZD6X1Z4ZHaSq0XiHY9K9sVZJ+idK/wCWK3/5FJ/zTiqvBbW9spS2iSFSakRq saved u9GP/q3f9zNP64q70Y/+rd/3M0/rirvRj/6t3/czT+uKu9GP/q3f9zNP64qqQ2Mly/p2+kvM9K8Y Make plans, so youre not rushing to use the newly-grouted area. x33/AHEI/wDqjirv0Bff9WO+/wC4hH/1RxV36Avv+rHff9xCP/qjirv0Bff9WO+/7iEf/VHFXfoC SNJ4A+jw6rVDR5pY4ym/QCRTXFUk9eD/AKlS0/6SYP8AmjFXevB/1Klp/wBJMH/NGKu9eD/qVLT/ Adobe InDesign 7.0 Custom Building Products Fusion Pro #545 Bleached Wood 1 Gal. Single
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